Heya, I noticed you were on and traded with someone, that someone wasn't me. There are probably others wanting one too, sorry It's just my schedule is pretty bad for a long time, so I am trying to stay up tonight and wait till you got the time heh.
Hey, so sorry I ended up falling asleep right after talking to you last night, I am like 6 hours ahead of you. I will be keeping an eye out for you today, hoping to catch you. Yes I am Kris, my little wii got glasses and stuff. My avatar is named Johan I think. I am so sorry again for jsut...
Hey, excuse me.
Do you still give out those Diancies?
I deleted my saved game with my own Diancie the yesterday by a complete mistake and it's my favorit Pokémon I feel like an idiot.
Is there a chance there is still one left?