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  1. Xx_SalamanderMan_xX

    Cutiefly, Charjabug, Vikavolt, Drampa, Togedemaru, Bruxish, and Tapu Koko Revealed!

    Im really happy with the amount of dual type Pokemon! It seems like they are trying to stray away from boring designs. Also Drampa is the #1 Bob Marley Dragon.
  2. Xx_SalamanderMan_xX

    Rowlet, Litten, Popplio from the Alola Region!

    We already knew that it was worldwide.
  3. Xx_SalamanderMan_xX

    'Steam Siege,' America's XY11 Set in August!

    Diance was on the Phantom Forces pack art, but was just a holo. Same with Pyroar in Flash Fire
  4. Xx_SalamanderMan_xX

    'Steam Siege,' America's XY11 Set in August!

    Who knows? Could be Fairy/Dark dual type.
  5. Xx_SalamanderMan_xX

    Finally! 'Generations' Set Info!!

    Am I the only one who thinks that the 4th Mega evolution might be a brand new mega? We haven't gotten one for more than a year so it could work.
  6. Xx_SalamanderMan_xX

    Mythical Pokemon Distributions Each Month, New R/B 3DS Bundle

    Alright then, I guess I will buy a N3DS
  7. Xx_SalamanderMan_xX

    Interesting 'Mythical Pokemon Collection: Mew Box' in February...

    I love the design of the box! Reminds me of the early BW tcg boxes.
  8. Xx_SalamanderMan_xX

