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  1. L

    'Evolving Skies,' August's English TCG Set!

    Are they pokemon V or Gx? How sight can do more spread dmg to them?
  2. L

    'Eevee Heroes' TCG Set to Feature All Eeveelutions as Pokemon V, Plus Gengar / Inteleon VMAX Decks!

    First: Gengar Max need 4-3 if u want play it like a main attack, or 22 if u want play with eter max, while golisopod need 4-4, 2 rod, some stuff like aerodactyl. Goli deck is inconsistency, do its die. Second: Gengar max is a single strike, u can do more 40dmg with 2 special energies, ez ko ADP...
  3. L

    First Teaser Info for S6 'Silver Lance' and 'Jet-Black Spirit!'

    I bet if we have Thundurus Vmax, its move would be Max Raijin
  4. L

    'Matchless Fighter' Revealed as March's Japanese Set!

    Avery+Zapdos V= The end of Eternatus Vmax.