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  1. G

    Wi-Fi Trades Shiny Wonder Trading

    I'd like to put up my Shiny Luvdisc :)
  2. G

    Wi-Fi Trades Mega Stone Trade Zone

    LF:Blazikenite! Lots to Offer! Okay, i want a Blazikenite, don't need the Torchic, i just lost my Blazikenite because i didn't realise that you cant put items in the Pokemon Bank then i reset, so yeah, im willing to offer a combination of the following, just let me know what you want, i can...
  3. G

    Wi-Fi Trades Dedenne's XY/ORAS Thread! Shiny Legendaries & More!

    RE: Dedenne's X/Y Thread - So Many Shiny Pokémon! What sort of thing would you accept for it? im willing to offer a combination of these: Yveltal, Xerneas, Zygarde, Electabuzz, Zebstrika, Protean and Toxic Spike Froakies, i have a few Ditto with max IVs in different stats, Shiny Luvdisc...
  4. G

    Wi-Fi Trades Lighty's Lab: Rare pokemon and Egg moves

    How many PP Max's would it take to get the Blazikenite?[hr]3 IV Ditto and Shiny Luvdisc for the Blazikenite?
  5. G

    Wi-Fi Trades Dedenne's XY/ORAS Thread! Shiny Legendaries & More!

    RE: Dedenne's X/Y Thread - So Many Shiny Pokémon! For the Blazikenite i can offer you: Shiny Luvdisc (caught in Kalos) and a ditto with 3 IVs (Atk, Def, Sp.Def) :)
  6. G

    Wi-Fi Trades Grizzly's Thread of Stuff

    Hi, does the Speed Boost Torchic have the Blazikenite? if i does i can offer the following for it a 3 IV Ditto (Attack, Defence, Special Defence) and a Shiny Luvdisc, i lost my Blazikenite, put my pokemon into the Pokemon Bank, then reset :L