Search results

  1. TheVGamerMan

    Standard Post-Rotation Night March

    Taking into account your critiques, how about this? 4 Pumpkaboo (PF) 4 Joltik (PF) 4 Lampent (PF) 2 Shaymin EX (RoS) 2 Bunnelby (PrC) 4x Battle Compressor 4x Ultra Ball 2x Revive 2x Lysandre 3x Trainer's Mail 3x VS Seeker 3x Acro Bike 2x Dimension Valley 2x Teammates 2x Prof. Birch's...
  2. TheVGamerMan

    Standard Post-Rotation Night March

    Pokemon 4 Pumpkaboo (Phantom Forces) 4 Joltik (Phantom Forces) 4 Lampent (Phantom Forces) 2 Sentret (FlashFire) 2 Furret (FlashFire) Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums 4 Battle Compressor 3 VS Seeker 4 Ultra Ball 2 Muscle Band 3 Rare Candy 4 Professor Sycamore 2 Dimension Valley 1 Lysandre 4 Roller...
  3. TheVGamerMan

    Making Night March Deck viable for 2015-2016 season?

    Can anyone think of a way to make the Night March Deck competitive once again, now that Mew EX and Bench Barrier Mr. Mime are being rotated out?
  4. TheVGamerMan

    In Search Of [US] Base Set Cards H: FA Trainers

    Wants: Most Cards from Base Set Have: FA Skyla FA N FA Lysandre FA Winona FA Wally
  5. TheVGamerMan

    'Blue Impact' / 'Red Flash' Japan's XY8 Sets, Next Set Block Titled 'XY: BREAK!'

    Will we American's get the promo if we pre-order XY8?
  6. TheVGamerMan

    Trades [USA] Anyone interested in japanese sleeves?

    Ok. PM me and we can negotiate a deal. It'll be a day or two before I can get the matte sleeves though.
  7. TheVGamerMan

    Trades [USA] Anyone interested in japanese sleeves?

    I can definitely get the red sleeves. Just out of curiosity, do you have any other sleeves laying around?
  8. TheVGamerMan

    Trades [USA-WW] Collecting Roaring Skies, offering FlashFire and Boundaries Crossed.

    In exchange for the Full Art Lysander, what specifically would you give me in return? I have the FA Lysander, but it's in my storage unit, so it might be a bit before I can get to it.
  9. TheVGamerMan

    Trades [USA] Anyone interested in japanese sleeves?

    Any specific colour you wanted?
  10. TheVGamerMan

    Trades [USA] Anyone interested in japanese sleeves?

    What specifically do you want for them?
  11. TheVGamerMan

    Trades [USA] Anyone interested in japanese sleeves?

    Just curious, would those Plasma sleeves happen to still be available?
  12. TheVGamerMan

    Trades [USA-WW] Collecting Roaring Skies, offering FlashFire and Boundaries Crossed.

    Cards Wanted: Silcoon (4/108) Dustox (8/108) Talonflame (15/108) Articuno (16/108) Electrode (22/108) Thundurus EX (26/108)...