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  1. M

    Alt. Format Baby Blacephalon (Post Rotation)

    Wouldnt brocks grit be better than fisherman? just because it lets you get 6 in any combination of basic energy and pokemon from discard? edit: ignore me, just remembered fisherman is to hand, brocks is to deck
  2. M

    Standard Raichu Eeveelutions

    Ive played this deck an awful lot at my local tournaments I go to, and I've built it to a point I find extremely consistent I will post my list for it: ##Pokémon - 20 * 2 Eevee AOR 63 * 2 Zorua BKT 89 * 2 Zoroark BKT 91 * 1 Flareon AOR 13 * 4 Pikachu GEN 129 * 4 Raichu GEN 27 * 1 Vaporeon AOR...
  3. M

    Ruling Machamp BREAK move question!

    Thats great, thank you for your help!
  4. M

    Ruling Machamp BREAK move question!

    Good Evening! I am confused as to how this move works: Boomerang Lariat During your next turn, this pokemons attacks do 100 more damage to your opponents active pokemon, before applying weakness and resistance. now to me this indicates that if the opponents pokemon is knocked out, this...
  5. M

    Standard Non EX/BREAK Budget Deck Help for a Tournament

    Hi everyone! We are hosting a local tournament but we have changed the rules slightly, We are only using standard decks but aren't allowed any EX or BREAK cards! I have a few deck ideas floating around in my head but I was wondering if I could get any more input/ideas for decks that fit this...
  6. M

    Ruling Magearna's Ability

    With regards to this, ive not been able to find it anywhere else. Does magearnas ability affect lucarios fight alone at all? Its a very confusing ability to someone relatively new to the game such as myself! Thanks!