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  1. J

    P!P/Rules 2016 World Championship Invites

    My son's was sent about 45 minutes ago. Maybe they're sending different divisions at different times, or going in some sort of alphabetical/points order, if they're sending them individually.
  2. J

    P!P/Rules 2016 World Championship Invites

    Finally got the invite. Sounds like it's just one big mess this year! Side events are in a different place! And attendee only gets 1 guest badge for a parent. What do you do if more than one kid? They have to wait outside by themselves or stay alone in the hotel room? Or go to the side events...
  3. J

    P!P/Rules 2016 World Championship Invites

    Thank you for your responses. It's good to know that they probably just haven't sent them yet. Last year, we got an email that explained when and where to check in - that could be important information for people planning their trips, as we weren't aware of having to be there Thursday to check...
  4. J

    P!P/Rules 2016 World Championship Invites

    Dumb question: Have the invites for 2016 Worlds been emailed yet? My son qualified, but has not received an invitation yet. Last year, we had it more than a month before Worlds. I've tried contacting Pokemon, but their contact feature doesn't appear to currently work on their website.
  5. J

    Standard Yveltal EX / M Manectric EX

    Thanks for your response and suggestions. We will try the deck out with a couple fewer energies and more draw support. AZ might be a really good addition. Any ideas for helpful stadiums, or should we stick with just the Shadow Circle? I personally was hoping he'd go with Night March, because...
  6. J

    Standard Yveltal EX / M Manectric EX

    I'm new here (first time posting) and trying to get some improvement suggestions for my son's deck. He's in the Juniors and will be competing in events at World's and/or the Boston Open, so we still have to go with the current format, not XY on. Current Decklist: Pokemon: 14 2 Manectric EX 2...