My Promo Rypherior Lvl X, Promo Mewtwo Lvl X and however many Jirachi LA you need for 2 Turtwig GL. or how much $? LMK.
RE: bigpokex's pokemon big tent: Tons of rares and Lv.Xs!!
My Giratina X for your Shaymin Land X? Also, CML for Rampardos PT. I have Weavile G from your wants.
RE: **TL32's Trading Thread** JUST GOT A BOX OF PLATINUM! Tons of lv.x's, rares and more. HAVE MULTIPLE SHAYMIN LV.X'S>
CML for Leafeon Lvl X or Shaymin Land Lvl X. From your want I have 1 RH Crobat G, 2 RH Galactic's HQ, 1 Charmander SF and 1 RH Call Energy. LMK what else you want. thanks.
RE: Have Shiny Lotad and Shiny Voltorb! (Atmo's list)
CML for Scizor SF x2. From your wants I have Clefable DP, Moltrez MD and Aerodactyl MD. LMK. thanks.
RE: [DP+PT] [Have]: 3 Lv.X's, 2 SR's [Want]: 2 PT Delcatty [Updated Daily!]
CML for Bronzong SF x2, Cherrim SF x2,Scizor SF and Ampharos PT. LMK thanks.
The Lvl X has to come from your hand for the power to activate, so no. Gliscor also has to be active fot the power to activate, so no to number two as well.