Search results

  1. FreePandas

    W: EX, Full Arts, Secret Rares H: Full Arts, Ace Spec, Secret Rare, EX.

    CML for your full art EXs? (Black Kyurem, Shaymin, Celebi)
  2. FreePandas

    Collecting The Foreign Booster Box "Pull Rates" Thread

    Those Megalo Cannon pull rates seem about right. Opened three boxes, got exactly 30 rares. (2 EX, 1 ACE SPEC, 1 FA, and 6 normal rares in each box for me) I actually got three Eelektross and two Archeops. No Machamp though - or Scoop Up Cyclone. I also have terrible luck pulling shinies >_<
  3. FreePandas

    Panda Store! W: Help Completing Sets and Interesting Stuff

    RE: Panda Store! H: Lots of Japanese, English Cards! W: Anything Interesting! My interest in Skyla and Virizion aren't that high, but I'll think about it. Um... the Dialga G lv X is a cool card, but I'll have to pass. Sorry!
  4. FreePandas

    Panda Store! W: Help Completing Sets and Interesting Stuff

    RE: Panda Store! H: Lots of Japanese, English Cards! W: Anything Interesting! Oh I know it'd probably be hard to get a gold star off of someone, but Juniper's (value wise) the best thing I've got. I'll let you know if I decide otherwise. For the Ho-oh Legend, here. It's been put up three...
  5. FreePandas

    Panda Store! W: Help Completing Sets and Interesting Stuff

    RE: Panda Store! H: Lots of Japanese, English Cards! W: Anything Interesting! Alright, that's fair - had to ask though :D. I'm waiting on the Juniper - I would really want to get a gold star out of that one! Curveball: how about the Jirachi EX for the Ho-oh Legend set? (Just looking at...
  6. FreePandas

    Have: lots of rares, and goodies! Want video game stuff, worthless tcg stuff!

    RE: Have Japanese EX, Rares, and more! CML for Genesect EX/FA please!
  7. FreePandas

    Panda Store! W: Help Completing Sets and Interesting Stuff

    RE: Panda Store! H: Lots of Japanese, English Cards! W: Anything Interesting! Not really. It'd be more that I'm after gold stars... say this, this, or this, and that I would prefer not to trade my more valued cards for something that isn't a high want. (Basically cards I'm looking to trade...
  8. FreePandas

    Panda Store! W: Help Completing Sets and Interesting Stuff

    RE: Panda Store! H: Lots of Japanese, English Cards! W: Anything Interesting! Yeah I didn't know what to say lol. It's not that the offers are bad or anything, because they're not. For some reason they just don't appeal to me that much. idk dude.:(
  9. FreePandas

    Panda Store! W: Help Completing Sets and Interesting Stuff

    RE: Panda Store! H: Lots of Japanese, English Cards! W: Anything Interesting! Yup, I pulled both of those out of boosters myself, went straight into a sleeve and my binder afterwards. My obvious interest from your list if Metagross*, I'd value it a bit lower than FA Juniper. Thoughts? (As for...
  10. FreePandas

    Panda Store! W: Help Completing Sets and Interesting Stuff

    RE: Panda Store! H: Lots of Japanese, English Cards! W: Anything Interesting! How much do you value the Landorus EX FA at? Other than that... highest interest would be Terrakion BC.
  11. FreePandas

    Panda Store! W: Help Completing Sets and Interesting Stuff

    RE: Panda Store! H: Lots of Japanese, English Cards! W: Anything Interesting! I'll pass on that. Have some sentimental value on the Charizard (with it being the only ultra rare I've ever pulled and all). I'd only really look to trade it if I was trading up in value (... say Latias*) That's...
  12. FreePandas

    Panda Store! W: Help Completing Sets and Interesting Stuff

    RE: Panda Store! H: Lots of Japanese, English Cards! W: Anything Interesting! Would you trade either Shining Steelix or Shining Kabutops (prefer Kabutops) for the Darkrai EX and Celebi EX? I'm having a bit of trouble gauging the price on the shining cards - I've seen them go from less than $10...
  13. FreePandas

    Panda Store! W: Help Completing Sets and Interesting Stuff

    RE: Panda Store! H: Lots of Japanese, English Cards! W: Anything Interesting! No, it's a regular art, so the numbers are off a bit there. I like PS Black Kyurem EX and the two PS FA Supporters most if you weren't looking to trade the stars. The problems here are that 1. the Black Kyurem...
  14. FreePandas

    Panda Store! W: Help Completing Sets and Interesting Stuff

    RE: Panda Store! H: Lots of Japanese, English Cards! W: Anything Interesting! Hey again, my biggest wants from your list would be the three gold stars (Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon). Lesser wants would be Cheren FA, FA Tornadus/Thundurus, and maybe some EXs.
  15. FreePandas

    Panda Store! W: Help Completing Sets and Interesting Stuff

    RE: Panda Store! H: Lots of Japanese, English Cards! W: Anything Interesting! From a quick glance, I'm interested in your FA Bianca and FA Virizion.
  16. FreePandas

    Panda Store! W: Help Completing Sets and Interesting Stuff

    RE: Panda Store! H: Lots of Japanese, English Cards! W: Anything Interesting! Would you be willing to break up your collection binder to trade for Articuno FA? Just curious. I didn't see anything I wanted, sorry. I can't really come up with a fair trade that I would be interested in. (I got...
  17. FreePandas

    Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

    RE: The Tin or Promo Box "Pull Rates" Thread Bought 2 Keldeo EX Tins, got 2x PLS, 2x BC, 2x DRX, 2x NV for the boosters. Nothing too interesting for pulls other than a FA Colress.
  18. FreePandas

    Panda Store! W: Help Completing Sets and Interesting Stuff

    I live in New York, United States Rules 1. All Pokebeach rules apply. 2. I ship anywhere, but prefer trades within the US. Whether I accept international trades will depend on how much I like the trade and the overall value of the trade. 3. Lower ref ships first (most likely me). Trades should...
  19. FreePandas

    H- Shiny Max Potion, FA Supporters and more W- Gold Zekrom and more

    RE: H. Golden Catcher, Mewtwo EX FA and other EX FA and EXs, Plasma Storm and more. W. Japanese Booster Boxes Sure! just let me know ^^
  20. FreePandas

    H- Shiny Max Potion, FA Supporters and more W- Gold Zekrom and more

    RE: H. Golden Catcher, Mewtwo EX FA and other EX FA and EXs, Plasma Storm and more. W. Japanese Booster Boxes What about Juniper FA, Jirachi FA, and either Latias/Tornadus EX for the three? Would you consider that a fair offer?