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    Wi-Fi Trades Pokemonbeast's Event Player Thread - Looking for TCGWC Pikachi

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    Wi-Fi Trades Pokemonbeast's Event Player Thread - Looking for TCGWC Pikachi

    What do you want for your Movie Darkrai?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Pokemonbeast's Event Player Thread - Looking for TCGWC Pikachi

    What do you want for your Movie Darkrai?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Furret's Supercalifragilistikexpialidocius My Player Thread! H:Shinies W:Events

    RE: Furroshi's new and improved player thread! shinys and much more! w00t! Wanna trade your shiny budew for my shiny golbat or crobat?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Furret's Supercalifragilistikexpialidocius My Player Thread! H:Shinies W:Events

    RE: Furroshi's new and improved player thread! shinys and much more! w00t! I'll give you a shiny golbat for your shiny budew.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Badger62's my player thread.NEW MASTER BALL SERVICE!!! LV 100's. SHINIES. all the TM's. ready to mak

    RE: Badger62's my player thread.NEW MASTER BALL SERVICE!! LV 100's. SHINIES. all the TM's. ready to make deals. Would you trade your shiny banette for my shiny Tentacruel?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Featheralley's player thread!

    I can give you a shiny Zubat, Golbat, or Crobat for your Darkrai.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Moo's Player Thread (Huge Update)

    Would you trade your Darkrai for my Shiny Tentacruel?
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    DPPt/HGSS MquaZa

    +1 Trade ref.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Mquaza "My player thread" - UPDATE 14/05/2009

    RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .! Ok, I'll give and thanks for the Darkrai too.
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    Wi-Fi Trades Mquaza "My player thread" - UPDATE 14/05/2009

    RE: Mquaza "My player thread" - Upade IV's and D/P Pokemon .! I'm on, Mquaza.
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    Wi-Fi Trades LPM's My player Thread

    Would you trade your Darkrai for my Shiny Crobat?
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    Wi-Fi Trades ZuJoveNI's My Player Thread

    Pokémon Noobiepie, so it's: You give Shiny Charizard and Shiny Rayquaza and I give Shiny Zubat, Shiny Torkoal and Shiny Abra?
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    Wi-Fi Trades ZuJoveNI's My Player Thread

    @ Black Rayquaza : Sorry, just wait a little for m to transfer it. @ Pokémon Noobiepie: No,i don't want it.
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    Wi-Fi Trades ZuJoveNI's My Player Thread

    No, sorry i don't want.
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    Wi-Fi Trades ZuJoveNI's My Player Thread

    2shinies for one or one for one?
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    Wi-Fi Trades ZuJoveNI's My Player Thread

    Would you trade it for my shiny tentacurel?
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    Wi-Fi Trades ZuJoveNI's My Player Thread

    Are you trading your shiny voltorb?
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    Wi-Fi Trades ZuJoveNI's My Player Thread

    Can you give me the link to your thread? Thanks a lot Billy.