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  1. Nyan

    TCG Fakes Nyan's Fakes: Multiple Sets, Random Cards, All Fun!

    RC - [C] [/SPOILER] Some more GXes for this crazy set. Now onto some Trainers/Energy~
  2. Nyan

    TCG Fakes Nyan's Fakes: Multiple Sets, Random Cards, All Fun!

    Hi again everyone!~ Sooo, GX Armada is now kicking into full-gear! Expect more soon, even later today!
  3. Nyan

    Contest PokéPoetry! IX: Poets Strike Back (Congratulations, VioletValkyrie!)

    Curiosity Endearing (Cosmog) When the sunne and the moone connect, Forth their bond comes a seed. A child of celestial aspect, One of special breed. It's curiosity is endearing, With power beyond mysterious. But watch out for it disappearing, For it being lost is all too serious. Evil forces...
  4. Nyan

    TCG Fakes Nyan's Fakes: Multiple Sets, Random Cards, All Fun!

    I've been caught up with some other things for quite some time now, but today I want to settle down and work on my 2 sets. In response to LackeyCCG Custom now being live (Check that out, by the way!~), i've decided to kick the development of GX Armada into full-gear in order to give the SM meta...
  5. Nyan

    Contest May 2019 CaC: Coin Flips! (Results Up!)

    In for image... I've only ever put a coin flip effect on 1 other major card, and it was because of the random CaC theme. Sooo, this will be an interesting one for me.
  6. Nyan

    Contest March 2019 CaC: Attack & Defense! (Results Are Up!)

    You're right, but that's like... the most niche ruling i've ever seen. The latest reference for that would be Nidoqueen from Ancient Origins, which does have "Don't apply Weakness to this damage." I wouldn't have even known to look for that, I just referenced through all of the SM Pokemon with...
  7. Nyan

    Contest Image-Based Create-a-Card Faking Tournament (Final Results Are Up!)

    Ahahah, I love the way my entry turned out~ It's been a while since i've done one of these!
  8. Nyan

    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    ... oh no, I really don't want games to be settled by even more RNG. Why did they have to make the ability like that? x.x
  9. Nyan

    Contest January 2019 CaC: Artificial Pokémon! (Results Up!)

    It's pretty late... so imma drop this here as my submission and hop in bed. My little text spiel will come tomorrow~ Edit: Just realized I used a Basic blank... I don't really know what to say or do about this since I'm not home, lol Edit 2: I fixed it, but i'm not sure how it's going to be...
  10. Nyan

    Contest January 2019 CaC: Artificial Pokémon! (Results Up!)

    Oh thank goodness for this... you've saved me!
  11. Nyan

    Full Metal Wall in February

    That art is AMAZING!
  12. Nyan

    Contest January 2019 CaC: Artificial Pokémon! (Results Up!)

    In for image!~ Really, really looking forward to this one. The designs of "artificial" Pokemon have always intrigued me, and my idea for this one is gonna be... fun :3