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  1. GamePhoenix

    Guys the new starter evolutions are leaked!

    Guys the new starter evolutions are leaked!
  2. GamePhoenix

    oH bOy aNoThEr mOnkEy!

    oH bOy aNoThEr mOnkEy!
  3. GamePhoenix

    mega yum

    mega yum
  4. GamePhoenix

    Link to Parroting III, which I am co-hosting along with @Proessor_jplap...

    Link to Parroting III, which I am co-hosting along with @Proessor_jplap!
  5. GamePhoenix

    Finished Parroting III

    Game Update 1 @Professor_jplap and I will both secretly answer every question. If you can parrot my answer you get 1.5x points, but if you parrot jplap's you get nothing!
  6. GamePhoenix

    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    Ok now this is epic
  7. GamePhoenix

    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    Yeah, I know, and it makes sense why they did this version as those are the new games. It's not really a surprise that this is what they did but I was kind of hoping for something closer to that old Japanese red promo from about a year ago.
  8. GamePhoenix

    Its basically a hard counter to Shuckle GX

    Its basically a hard counter to Shuckle GX
  9. GamePhoenix

    I too like ramen, N

    I too like ramen, N
  10. GamePhoenix

    I miss the rains down in Africa

    I miss the rains down in Africa
  11. GamePhoenix

    Yay I can change my profile pic to a new stale meme now.

    Yay I can change my profile pic to a new stale meme now.
  12. GamePhoenix

    Contest Text-Based Create-a-Card Faking Tournament (Final Results Are Up!)

    Mega oof I completely forgot I was in this as I didn't follow the thread. Sorry
  13. GamePhoenix

    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    Sad that this looks to be a more heavily stylized version of Red and not his more serious look from older stuff
  14. GamePhoenix

    Not sure if this is real or not but still pretty funny

    Not sure if this is real or not but still pretty funny
  15. GamePhoenix

    Somebody once told me

    Somebody once told me
  16. GamePhoenix

    To be clear I agree with it getting banned with the whole Exodia combo, I just really liked it...

    To be clear I agree with it getting banned with the whole Exodia combo, I just really liked it before that happened.
  17. GamePhoenix

    RIP Delinquent 2016-2019, my favorite card

    RIP Delinquent 2016-2019, my favorite card
  18. GamePhoenix

    Groundbreaking Leak Reveals Unused Gen 1 Pokemon Designs, Including Gorochu!

    Wow, a partial sprite for Gorochu!
  19. GamePhoenix

    New Mewtwo-GX, Charizard-GX, Raichu-GX, Wigglytuff-GX, Pinsir-GX, Gyarados-GX!

    Oh boy a new Raichu, STILL NOT ALOLAN THOUGH!
  20. GamePhoenix

    Yeah, Valentine's Day is ok but can you wait for PRESIDENTS DAY!!!!

    Yeah, Valentine's Day is ok but can you wait for PRESIDENTS DAY!!!!