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  1. D-Babs

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    On PokeBeach. Just send a PM in a conversation.
  2. D-Babs

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    D-Babs in 3 games over MikeIsMyIke Match times between 3:20-4:00PM PST Tuesday Game 1: MikeIsMyIke Game 2: D-Babs Game 3: D-Babs Great games and really interesting matchup. Good luck in the rest of the tournament!
  3. D-Babs

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    I asked everyone if it was cool to record and such. I know it would be rude to do otherwise.
  4. D-Babs

    Standard PCL-On Mega Ray/Garbodor

    The list seems really interesting and I would be intrigued to see how well Rayquaza can keep filling the bench without abilities later in the game. That said, I think 2 float stone is a little low considering you don't run puzzles. Then again the float will probably stick unless Garbodor gets...
  5. D-Babs

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    Thank you to everyone who helped put this tournament together! @Ntanel @homeofmew It was my first tournament and I had a blast! I recorded all of my matches and commentated over them. If anyone wants to see how M-Manectric/Ho-oh faced up against the field, please check out my Youtube channel...
  6. D-Babs

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    My PTCGO username is reddude333 My Time Zone is Pacific Standard Time I participated in last month's tournament and did not drop from it. I have made at least 2 discussion posts last month and intend to do the same this month My e-mail address is up to date. I am not a premium member.
  7. D-Babs

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    D-Babs in 3 games over Matias Santiago Match times between 12-1:05PM PST Friday Game 1: D-Babs Game 2: Matias Santiago Game 3: D-Babs Such an intense round, really had me questioning playing out the match :-P Thanks for hosting the tournament and looking forward to seeing how the standings...
  8. D-Babs

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    D-Babs in 3 games over DaGod503 Match times between 9-9:45PM PST Game 1: DaGod503 Game 2: D-Babs Game 3: D-Babs Forced to dig out of another hole. Good games and good luck in your final round!
  9. D-Babs

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    D-Babs over Pokedad TCG Games played between 8-8:30 PST Game 1: D-Babs Game 2: D-Babs Good luck in the rest of the tournament Pokedad!
  10. D-Babs

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    D-Babs in 3 games over xpfcwintergreen Match times between 4-5:20 PST Game 1: xpfcwintergreen Game 2: D-Babs Game 3: D-Babs Fantastic set! Thanks for a good match and good conversation. Good luck in round 3!
  11. D-Babs

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    Games played between 10:50-11:40AM PST Thursday Game 1: dmiller58 Game 2: D-Babs Game 3: D-Babs Match winner: D-Babs Well played, dmiller58 and thanks for the great match!
  12. D-Babs

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    What is your PTCGO screen name? reddude333 What timezone do you live in? PST Did you participate in last month’s tournament? If so, were you dropped from it? No, I did not participate in last month's. Did you make at least two discussion posts on the forums during last month? Yes Do you promise...
  13. D-Babs

    Standard Kingdra Ex with Magnezone

    Raikou is nice as a non-EX attacker to help with prize trade and getting past other Regice and Carbink (especially since you aren't playing Hex Maniac). I would probably keep it in regardless of changes you make. You can attack with Magnezone of course but it is not preferable to risk having it...
  14. D-Babs

    Standard Kingdra Ex with Magnezone

    I would love to know how this deck works out for you. From what I see, the main exclusions I would consider adding are Fisherman (this is super helpful when you have a Magnezone set up and you want to power up another Kingdra right after a KO) and rare candy (I know item lock is a thing but...
  15. D-Babs

    Standard Metal Lucario Decklist

    Here is an early draft of my list for metal Lucario deck in the Standard format. It's definitely a work in progress so all suggestions are appreciated. ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ****** Pokémon - 13 4 Riolu FAC 45 1 Bronzor BKT 95 1 Bronzong PHF 61 4 Lucario FAC 63 3 Unown...
  16. D-Babs

    Standard Wailord Stall for UK Nationals

    I too like the versions that play Bunnelby and Durant (I personally also play Lugia EX, a second Aegislash EX and a Giratina EX for megas). The roller skates probably aren't as effective since it comes down to a coin flip and it's an item. Also I prefer Shauna to Birch but because it is a...
  17. D-Babs

    Expanded Turbo Darkrai EX for Regionals

    Something else to consider (and something that I think helps in the current meta) is playing a 2-2 split on Darkrai EX. Having multiple night spear Darkrai can be very helpful against non-EX based decks with vespiquen, flareon, bats and the like. Against NM you can use the non-EX Yveltal (both)...