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  1. IronCow Tom

    Standard Xurkitree-GX // Lightning Tool Box - Help Needed

    Just to clarify for them, which Pikachu EX?
  2. IronCow Tom

    Tournament Had an "interesting" league challenge experience.

    Sorry, it was a reference. :oops:
  3. IronCow Tom

    Tournament Had an "interesting" league challenge experience.

    Say they have caused confusion and delay.
  4. IronCow Tom

    Tournament Had an "interesting" league challenge experience.

    Why don't we rename 'warnings' to 'alerts' or 'signals'? Then nobody would feel like they did anything wrong.
  5. IronCow Tom

    Standard My take on Metal Silvally

    I was lucky enough to get the Registeel Prerelease promo, and pulled a Silvally hyper rare in my prize packs! That's when I thought of this. 3 Silvally GX CRI 3 Type: Null CRI 1 Magearna EX STS 1 Celesteela GX SM-P 1 Kartana GX CRI 2 Registeel CRI 1 Tapu Lele GX GUR (I know, but I only have...
  6. IronCow Tom

    Help How To Sell My Collection?

    I would recommend showing us some pictures if you want true pricing. Condition is everything. If you have loads of rare cards, consider selling them together. Don’t be too hasty though.
  7. IronCow Tom

    Discussion Noivern GX Counter

    Gardevoir gx will be beating it easily, but with all the metal support in SM5 (Newgaleo, Dusk Mane Necrozma) I don't think it will see as much play as before.
  8. IronCow Tom

    PTCGO PTCGO New Mode Idea

    How about a mode where people submit decks, and then you are given a random one from those decks, and battle someone with a random deck?
  9. IronCow Tom

    Standard Passimian/Raichu/Glalie EX

    Oh! So sorry! I just look at the set you wrote.
  10. IronCow Tom

    Help Question about ultra beast gx collection

    While some products have different packs over time, they are not 'rereleased'. To answer your question, If you got the box before Crimson Invasion, it will have older packs. If you bought it after, it will have two Crimson Invasion.
  11. IronCow Tom

    Discussion Explain to me this...

    I think it was to create variation and excitement. For example, if Crimson Invasion just had all the Ultra Beasts (from SM at least,) in the set, it would be incredibly boring, as they were something to be excited about. If they were all in there, the trend would get old and boring. Same with...
  12. IronCow Tom

    Standard Passimian/Raichu/Glalie EX

    This isn't standard. Standard is (currently) Breakthrough on. I would replace the four water energy with rainbow energy, and drop the judges for three ultra balls. To be honest, Glalie isn't a very good card, only hitting 150 when you have the same hand size. That, and the amount of metal...
  13. IronCow Tom

    Discussion Error Promo Card in Blisters?

    Wow? Really? I haven't opened it , I'll try and send a picture.
  14. IronCow Tom

    Discussion Error Promo Card in Blisters?

    Recently I bought a Crimson Invasion one pack blister, but instead of the usual promos, it came with a Decidueye promo from the three pack instead. Have you seen anything like this? And do you know how much these things are worth? Anything is helpful! Thanks!
  15. IronCow Tom

    PTCGO Uncommon Chest Pulls

    Chests are things you earn on versus mode. They contain one card and some coins. You can get higher rarities too.
  16. IronCow Tom

    PTCGO Uncommon Chest Pulls

    I got Mega Alakazam Mega Altaria and Mega Pidgeot.
  17. IronCow Tom

    Exeggudos (Gyarados GX/Alolan Exeggutor GX)

    Way too many Pokemon. I would recommend looking at previous decklists. They will help you get a better idea for decks in the future.
  18. IronCow Tom

    Discussion I Hope Gardevoir Gets Banned. I Seriously think it's too Overpowered.

    While I don't think it should be banned, I find it a very boring deck. I traded one Gardevoir for a alolan raichu prerelease promo and I don't regret it. (I did it because I think the new Solgaleo will destroy Gardevoir.)