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  1. Blui

    TCG Fakes Blui's Image Fakes // A Return?

    It's a deck.
  2. Blui

    Snorlax from XY10 'Awakening of the Psychic Kings'

    The card just simply isn't good enough. You put in too much for no where near enough payoff.
  3. Blui

    Supposed Insider Information for Next Pokemon Games

    It's a little early for April Fools now isn't it?
  4. Blui

    Major Changes Coming to 'Fates Collide' Prereleases!

    They won't be anywhere near that good, instead it'll likely be singleton of staple Trainers (like Sycamore, VS Seeker, Shauna, etc) and some Pokemon lines centered around what's in the set so that the prerelease is not only playable but enjoyable and fresh. Inserting good Pokemon from previous...
  5. Blui

    Sorry about that, I totally missed the R1 post. I kinda just looked at the OP and assumed it was...

    Sorry about that, I totally missed the R1 post. I kinda just looked at the OP and assumed it was still open.
  6. Blui

    Finished Prof. Slowking's Haven for Complications and Computations of Equation Calculations! [YPPY]

    EDIT: the thread messed up and i didnt see the last two posts sorry for any confusion 7^(5-5)=3-2 2 3 3 3 3
  7. Blui

    Ayy welcome back man! I heard you were interested in making a new TCG set. If it's in the same...

    Ayy welcome back man! I heard you were interested in making a new TCG set. If it's in the same vein as your last TCG project, I'd be very interesting in providing an image based card for your spoilers because there really aren't any good generators out right now.
  8. Blui

    TCG Fakes Blui's Image Fakes // A Return?

    Thank you! Unfortunately I won't be taking any more requests until I finish HS Revival and the two requests I still have sitting on the pile. But if you want to wait until then you can :)
  9. Blui

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    Fighting Fury Belt is a terrible card name because it has a type name in it which could confuse players. Also the card is stupid because it degenerates the game even more and makes me angry because they should've just reprinted Expert Belt which would become a sweet card when Muscle Band...
  10. Blui

    Project Resources Revamp Project - Now Complete! Thanks to all!

    The first holosheet is the proper one. Any others are either custom or were only used on promo cards. Asche's guide is pixel perfect but honestly I find it hard to use and only reference it if I need to return something to its correct place. It'd be better if we produce a .psd or gimp file that...
  11. Blui

    TCG Fakes Blui's Image Fakes // A Return?

    Some abusable support for people who like cards such as Judge. Here's a real alternate playstyle as I alluded to earlier! Some crabs. All for One will be a recurring attack with some variations between its iterations as shown here with Kingler! Lanturn doesn't get enough love. I'm...
  12. Blui

    new fakes when?

    new fakes when?
  13. Blui

    Project Resources Revamp Project - Now Complete! Thanks to all!

    Got some fonts for everyone! Just let me know if anything is missing.
  14. Blui

    living the dream

    living the dream
  15. Blui

    Project Resources Revamp Project - Now Complete! Thanks to all!

    I'm pretty sure I have all of the fonts needed for faking in any era. I'll go compile them and upload a .zip to MediaFire as soon as possible. Just to note, this isn't our main priority right now and may not be for a while. While these are great and extremely useful (trust me! I've used these...