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  1. Icrux

    Event Vancouver regionals

    Aww thank you for the info!
  2. Icrux

    Event Vancouver regionals

    Hi all! I'm just want to ask if there is a stream of the Vancouver tcg regionals?
  3. Icrux

    PokeBeach’s October 2017 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    @Icrux beat @CrisVill 2-0. Thank you for the games bro! Good luck on the rest of the tournament!
  4. Icrux

    PokeBeach’s October 2017 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    @JGB146 beat me, @Icrux 2-0 Enjoy the whole tournament man! GGs @JGB146 Won
  5. Icrux

    PokeBeach’s October 2017 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    @OmegaBatman beats @Icrux 2-1... Good luck on the rest of the tournaments man! GGs
  6. Icrux

    Help Looking for TCG Players around University of Maryland for a possible league!

    Yeah there are not many players in this part of MD that I know of. I know there are regular leagues in Rockville and Glen Burnie but I want to see if there can be a league started near Greenbelt.
  7. Icrux

    PokeBeach’s October 2017 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No What is your PTCGO screen name (the name you battle with, not the name you log in with)? Icrux What time zone do you live in? (If you don’t know what time zone you live in, use a World Clock to find out.) EDT Eastern Daylight Time...
  8. Icrux

    Help Looking for TCG Players around University of Maryland for a possible league!

    Hi all! I usually go to Big Planet Comics at College Park, Maryland (near University of Maryland) to purchase Pokemon merchandise and I asked if they have Pokemon leagues. They said that if there is a group that can come together, they can start one. Now, I am broadcasting a message to all TCG...
  9. Icrux

    Standard Prize control(Nihilgo/Marowak BREAK)

    This deck idea is kind of fun! The prize control part is appealing to me. Another idea that is comes to mind is using Nihilego in a mill deck. Its use is to just add prizes to your opponent which increases your stalling time while you mill your opponent out.
  10. Icrux

    Trades & Sales [USA] Curious Cleffa's Bulk Trades! Updated with Guardians Rising!

    Hi CuriousCleffa! How are you? I am interested in trading in some bulk for your: Alolan Ninetales GX HR 2500. Here is the breakdown of the bulk I am offering: 114 Rares x 10 pts. = 1140 160 c/uc (including trainers) x 5 = 800 80 reverse c/uc x 7 = 560 Total of = 2500 points I will be sending...