What are some some ways to help swing the matchup in your favor? Any techs, different play styles or strategy, perhaps even a certain deck? Just curious.(Note: Standard Of Course)
Its expanded. I dont care about -gx non-gx, becuase i just want to beat it. It could be anything trainers items, pokemons etc, as long as itbeats it. keep in mind i play only dce , but i could tech in anything really, even counter energy
I have thought about tauros-GX as then I can always threaten OHKO'S if they attack into it. I also play barbaracle FCO, to lock them out of DCE. Any ideas would be appreciated
My little brother played zoroark barbaracle at dallas in juniors and bubbled at 9th with this list:
****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******
##Pokémon - 20
* 2 Shaymin-EX ROS 77
* 4 Zorua SLG 52
* 3 Zoroark-GX PR-SM SM84
* 2 Binacle FLF 48
* 1 Sudowoodo GRI 66
* 1 Exeggcute PLF 4
* 2...
Done some testing this week, and gardie with toad/karen is realy good. Iplay 2 gallades to one shot all the zoroark decks, + Premonition is an out to find a supporter.
Necro, is okay but it means you have to play DCE. Espeon w/ 4 Ehammer is must have to beat Zoro/Lycan as you double silent fear then espeon for game as 80% of the time they cant comeback under item lock. Def. cut masterball for comp search as it is another out to T1 trev. Def. agree with...
Is there a card that is a stage 2 that either puts cards from discard into hand or a stage 2 that discards cards from opponents hand/deck? Any help would be appreciatedthx. ps in expanded