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  1. DarkMatterGaming

    Discussion Is there any use for Crimson Invasion Mismagius?

    I remember a few years back when Giratina-GX's Chaos Wheel was a legitimately really good attack. Granted, it also had Renegade Pulse which helped in certain Mega match-ups, but Chaos Wheel shut down so many strategies. Smash cut to now, and CRI Mismagius has it too - but its not seen...
  2. DarkMatterGaming

    Pokemon What Is Your Most Disliked Pokémon and Why?

    I can't really pinpoint my most disliked right now but the Chikorita family is a contender. Design wise? Cute as heck. Play wise? Its like trying to cut a house in half with a dull butter knife.
  3. DarkMatterGaming

    Music Discussion Thread: What Are You Listening To?

    How to Save a Life. It's been... a long week.
  4. DarkMatterGaming

    i need to be more active on the forums. whoops

    i need to be more active on the forums. whoops
  5. DarkMatterGaming

    Matt and the adventures of "writing the script for a video regarding Team Flare". Yes, its real...

    Matt and the adventures of "writing the script for a video regarding Team Flare". Yes, its real, I promise!
  6. DarkMatterGaming

    Translations for Espeon/Deoxys-GX, Umbreon/Darkrai-GX Decks!

    I really like that Espeon & Deoxys Tag Team. Malamar is still a good card, and it fuels both of those attacks really well.
  7. DarkMatterGaming

    SM11 Miracle Twins!

    Well Great Potion is terrible, but that Golisopod has potential. Water, hits Reshizard for knock-out on with Band (or without on Switch), synergizes with Quagsire to accelerate energy, Wishful Baton is still a thing - that is awesome.
  8. DarkMatterGaming

    'Porygon-Z-GX Box' in September!

    Why burn, of all things? I mean, I dig it; Burn support is far less than Poison. I just find it... bizarre to apply a special condition to itself. Y'know?
  9. DarkMatterGaming

    'Trevenant-GX Box' in October!

  10. DarkMatterGaming

    now i wish i brought a copy of a victini in my bag or something....

    now i wish i brought a copy of a victini in my bag or something....
  11. DarkMatterGaming

    Finals week. Blagh.

    Finals week. Blagh.
  12. DarkMatterGaming

    2020 Standard Format Announced, Goes Into Effect Before Worlds!

    Whoa, I'm gonna have to find a new deck. Shoot.
  13. DarkMatterGaming

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    Beast Box! Beast Box! BEAST BOX! BEAST BOX!
  14. DarkMatterGaming

    So tired.

    So tired.
  15. DarkMatterGaming

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    burning energy looks really weird now In all seriousness I am super down for something that's hard to get rid of.
  16. DarkMatterGaming

    I'm still alive. I think

    I'm still alive. I think
  17. DarkMatterGaming

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    Victini makes some of the Dragons actually usable. DDE + one round of Victini attacking accelerates basically anything in Expanded. Be a lot better if it was a Colorless for that attack but Rainbow Energy exists, so it's not all that bad. I wonder... the return of Giratina-EX?
  18. DarkMatterGaming

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    Not bad. Not bad at all. Could be really, really good in expanded with Garbodor, and it doesn't give up 2 Prizes like Toad.
  19. DarkMatterGaming

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    What's that Pidgeot? Release Shaymin-EX 2, Electric Boogaloo? YOU GOT IT yes i know dedenne-gx is coming
  20. DarkMatterGaming

    I would've played in March's tournament too but A. PayPal wouldn't let me pay for a subscription...

    I would've played in March's tournament too but A. PayPal wouldn't let me pay for a subscription and B. I need a better deck. Or list. Both?