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    SM10a \'GG End\' Mini-Set in April

    That's why I think it might be one of the most balanced cards created by pokemon.
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    'Detective Pikachu' TCG Products Announced for Spring!

    This set really intrigues me, I wonder if we'll get pictures of people for trainers or what the secret rares might be.
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    Discussion What's the Meta looking like right now?

    True, now that people know about they can tech for it. Like putting the Persian from team up in any deck that plays the ditto.
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    Discussion What's the Meta looking like right now?

    I agree that control/stall does get better with the set in May. L.T. surge and Lucario/Melmetal feel particularly strong for the archetype, but I also think it's relatively decent now as well.
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    Discussion Silvally GX - Sleeping Hit or a Bad Card?

    Aurabomb did a video on it a couple weeks ago that got me testing around with it. Ultimately I played it with 2 jirachi, eevee snorlax, Marshadow GX, xerneas prism so we hit for weakness on dragons, a lele GX and Magerna.
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    Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble from 'Pokemon Sword' and 'Shield!'

    The three starters are cute, but going to hold off on which one is my favorite until the evolutions are shown. BTW is Sobble a tadpole?
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    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    TBF my intentions were always to pick up the reshzard and FA welders because I want to play fire and miss Blacksmith. The fact that the artwork on the card is actually good and not some person in a full body suit adds a little more appeal imo.
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    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    Female Welder. Damn Pokémon, take all my money.
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    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    The Charizard Reshiram FA and secret rare alt are a thing of beauty which I believe will be extremely expensive. Muk2x and Marshadow Machamp might get me to change my rules on not playing FA psychic or fighting because they look amazing as well. With Marshadow/Machamp now being my favorite tag...
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    Discussion Silvally GX - Sleeping Hit or a Bad Card?

    I think Silvally is pretty good right now. I' ve played around with it a bit utilizing fairy energy and mina which helps quiet a bit with consistently. Mina is definitely a card people are sleeping on right now.
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    Standard Giovanni's Exile ( Rhyperior / Rhydon / Diglett)

    This deck seems really interesting. If only palossand GX had a cheaper cost I could almost see it being thrown in here for its mill effect as well.
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    Discussion What's the Meta looking like right now?

    I feel like Vileplume will stay around format until rotation unless it gets massively nerved. Besides Riley getting 3rd at Collinsville others from Mahone's crew played it like Otto and I believe he just bubbled out of top 8 as well. Honestly, I feel the format is kind of wide open and since...
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    Discussion Zapdos Jirachi in expanded

    Haven't really thought about tbh. More concerned with how to play against tag teams considering all the acceleration in expanded.
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    Alt. Format (UNB) Full Melmetal Wall

    I think it seems decent and probably worth testing especially if you are playing several counts of acerola like the stall version was.
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    Alt. Format (UNB) Full Melmetal Wall

    I also really like metal and was excited to Lucario Melmetal do so well during that recent tournament. However, because that list was stall based I'm not sure how I'd play Lucario/Melmetal, but I would probably play the new genesect that came out in full metal wall.
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    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    Sick card, now just FA Welder and I'm good.
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    Discussion Is Blacephalon still competitive?

    It also got top 8 at Cannes.
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    Help Getting back into the TCG

    BuzzRocTails is pretty good. The 45th placed deck posted is such a deck and is a decent baseline of how that deck is being played currently.
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    Bug Catcher from Family Box Set!

    Not very playable but I'm still hopeful my favorite trainer Bugsy will get a supporter soon.
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    'Kangaskan-GX Box' in June!

    Pinsir GX is probably the worst but I get what you're saying.