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  1. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion Possible Top 5 XY-On Decks

    There's been TONS of discussion about the top 5 decks for XY-on. Just because a few people may have posted deck lists doesn't mean the entire thread has been derailed. Just report the posts if you think that they're that harmful to the thread.
  2. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion Possible Top 5 XY-On Decks

    There's zero reason to tech in Machamp EX into Primal Groudon. It adds nothing to the deck.
  3. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion Possible Top 5 XY-On Decks

    Right now I'm retesting it for XY-on, so my deck isn't quite done. As soon as I have it in a place where I feel comfortable with it I'll drop the list here (that or I could post the BCR-on list, but I don't know how much help that'd really be). I'm also working on a Shiftry deck though, and...
  4. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion Possible Top 5 XY-On Decks

    If Primal Groudon isn't set up by at least turn 3, then your playing a bad variant or your SUPER unlucky. And even them playing just one can be enough, because Primal Groudon will still have it's many Stadiums to play. Also, why wouldn't Groudon EX work? It can detach Giratina's most important...
  5. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion Possible Top 5 XY-On Decks

    Yeah, AOR really just gives speed/tech's to most decks. There's only a few actual decks that came out of the set, but a future set could definitely unlock the potential that AOR give to some cards that are just under usable.
  6. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion Possible Top 5 XY-On Decks

    If I were you, I'd use TCGOne to test it before you actually build it. EX's/Mega's are still expensive, even the under used ones. So if you wanna build a deck that's mostly just fun/not tested fully, I think that's a better option. That or PTCGO, but TCGOne is free, so ya know.
  7. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion Possible Top 5 XY-On Decks

    Too slow and hard to set up. With everything going perfectly you could take 6 prizes in 1 hit, but honestly, how often is that going to happen against someone who knows exactly what your trying to do.
  8. DevinTheWelf

    Anyone wanna battle on PTCGO? Just PM me!

    Anyone wanna battle on PTCGO? Just PM me!
  9. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion Possible Top 5 XY-On Decks

    True true, but I don't think that deck will be AS good when Vespiqueen and other stage decks come out, but as of now when 90% of the current decks are EX's it's amazing. Pretty sure Hipo auto-loses to stage decks in general.
  10. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion Possible Top 5 XY-On Decks

    I feel like "Metal Rayquaza > everything ever" is a more accurate statement. That thing has a solution to every problem.
  11. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion Possible Top 5 XY-On Decks

    The whole idea behind Giratina EX/Vileplume is to get in Vileplume up to stop both players from using Items (WHICH IS WHAT PAINT ROLLER IS). So as long as Silent Lab is placed before Giratina using his 4 Energy attack for just 100 damage, Primal Groudon will be fine. And honestly, none of that...
  12. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion Possible Top 5 XY-On Decks

    Primal Groudon is much better than Machamp. Once Primal Groudon is up, in most cases its pretty much game for most decks. Primals Groudon can be set up in 2 turns thanks to Mega Turbo, and because of his ancient trait he can wait out any deck until he has the best trade he can get. His ancient...
  13. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion Possible Top 5 XY-On Decks

    Speed and easy acceleration. He's pretty much M Manectric but better. He also can 2hitKO pretty much anything while Ariados or Muscle Band is being used (altought Ariados is probably the better choice, sense you'll want to use Spirit Link). It's just a solid fast deck.
  14. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion Possible Top 5 XY-On Decks

    That's the joke~
  15. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion Possible Top 5 XY-On Decks

    My prediction: 5. M Sceptile Variants -There's a lot of variants that could be used (M Sceptile/Vileplume, M Sceptile/Lugia EX, M Spectile/Ariados) which is why I put this at number 5. 4. Primal Groudon - Even with the grass decks to come, Primal Ground EX's ancient trait, bulk, and power will...
  16. DevinTheWelf

    Pokémon TCG Online Trade Thread

    PTCGO Username: cold246 Rules: Don't try to give me BS deals, I know what the cards are worth. When I ask for packs (unless stated otherwise) it will be of the most recent one. I will not sub for other expansions. Haves: Roaring Skies Packs Gengar EX Mew EX Shaymin EX (Legendary Treasures)...
  17. DevinTheWelf

    Have a General Forum Question? Includes FAQs! - Updated 22/02/18

    Has a thread been created that lets PTCGO users trade their info so that they can battle and/or trade stuff? I've asked a question similar to this in the past, but this was before the website reset. If one has not be made, I would really like to make one. I've been hoping for something like this...
  18. DevinTheWelf

    Article New Kids on the Block: New Decks from Ancient Origins in XY-On

    People play it because statistically you have more gain than loss. When compared to Shuana's 5: Tails, you lose one card. Heads, you gain 2 cards. 4 cards isn't really horrible either, especially with Shaymin EX (which has a number of ways to be retrieved from the deck).
  19. DevinTheWelf

    Article New Kids on the Block: New Decks from Ancient Origins in XY-On

    Can't tell if this is a joke or not, but if it isn't I want to say that Beedrill isn't really a noticed deck what so ever, and when I said bee deck I meant Vespiqueen. If this is a joke (which I dearly hope it is) then wowzers, 3op5me
  20. DevinTheWelf

    P!P/Rules Is TPCi Phasing Out Burn Status Condition?

    I'm talking about recognition by Pokemon, not the players. Having 2 cards represent poison isn't really showing much of the condition, over all conditions don't get a lot of cards related to them