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  1. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion Shiftry Viability

    I want to know what viability of this card, because I think it has great potential due to the realease of Sky Field. So far I've found a few good cards that could help this deck be powerful. -Target Whistle: can fill an enemies bench when Sky Field is up, making then have to use the extra space...
  2. DevinTheWelf

    Pikachu Promo in 7-11 Bento Set

    That moment when you realize that Japanese 7-11' sell Pokemon Lunch boxes and promo cards and American 7-11's just have crappy gas prices and hobos that try to mug you.
  3. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion M Tyranitar EX

    If you wanted to go for a bulky heavy hitter Mega, I'd go with either P Groudon or M Aggron. They're just better decks.
  4. DevinTheWelf

    Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U

    I think because of the time and effort put into the character's, and how much they add to the game (like how they effect the meta game and such) it's worth the couple bucks. My way of seeing it is that if you have the oney to buy a 3ds and the game, if you REALLY want the character (which you...
  5. DevinTheWelf

    Standard P Groudon EX and Friends (Primal Groudon EX / Landorus)

    Fair enough, I'll add an extra Wobbuffet if you all think it would help with overall, I think I'll be dropping 1 Landorus or 1 Terrakion. I'll update the list once I sort it out.
  6. DevinTheWelf

    Standard P Groudon EX and Friends (Primal Groudon EX / Landorus)

    In a Toad matchup (which is actually one of the easier matchups for this deck) I just straight up wouldn't play Landorus unless I started with him, then oh well thats 1 prize they get. All I have to do is get P Groudon up which takes 5 hits from a banded Quaking Punch because Hypnolazor doesn't...
  7. DevinTheWelf

    Standard P Groudon EX and Friends (Primal Groudon EX / Landorus)

    I won't be adding in Lucario EX, as it takes focus away from P Groudon EX, who is already powerful enough. I'm not sure how I feel about taking away EVERYTHING besides the Groudon line and Wobbuffet. I feel like I should keep at least Suicune and Landorus because they speed up the deck as well...
  8. DevinTheWelf

    Standard P Groudon EX and Friends (Primal Groudon EX / Landorus)

    Haven't really made a deck thread in awhile, but I've been working with this P Groudon deck for a long time so that I could eventually use it for nationals this year. Before the event goes down I want to get some feed back on how the deck looks. I'm not going to really explain what the purpose...
  9. DevinTheWelf

    P!P/Rules Should Seismitoad EX be Banned for Standard and Expanded?

    Because of the LTC ban, I can't see Toad doing much anymore (or at least taking 2 hours to finish a game). Without it's ability to recycle things like HypnoLazor and Crushing Hammer, it loses a lot of disruption flow late game. I feel like Garbotoad is going to come back as the main Toad...
  10. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion No Stadium Deck Viable?

    As other's have said, running at least 1 or 2 counter Stadiums could be very helpful in match-ups that either rely completely on Stadium support, or that can cripple you badly with their Stadium support.
  11. DevinTheWelf

    Standard Archie's Flareon (Flareon / Blastoise)

    If you're using those two fossil Pokemon as safety nets you need to run at least 2 stadium's, because if Silent Lab get's dropped it's GG.
  12. DevinTheWelf

    Alt. Format Future: Vilemilk (Miltank / Vileplume)

    -3 Evosoda -1 Shaymin EX +1 Muscle Band +1 Vileplume +1 Oddish +1 Wobbufett As far as I know, Evosoda will not work with Big Plant Forest, and is overall not needed because you have Ultra Ball. I don't really think Shaymin EX will help that much when you're only playing one.
  13. DevinTheWelf

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    I would love to see this deck list, anywhere I can find results or deck lists?
  14. DevinTheWelf

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    This is the third Mega to pretty much follow the tactic of "get 4 energy on it then blow stuff up and hope not to lose all 240HP". I mean really! P Groudon, M Aggron, and now this M T-Tar are almost freaking copies of each other. And the worst part is that only P Groudon is remotely competitive...
  15. DevinTheWelf

    News Lysandre's Trump Card Has Been Banned

    The thing that I'm taking from this ban is that the Cancer engine isn't viable now, and Shaymin EX isn't going to be broken and over-priced anymore. So props to Pokemon for this ban. Oh yeah, and about Flareon and Night March being "op" now, they already pretty much were, and both those decks...
  16. DevinTheWelf

    Standard Gengar EX / Wobbuffet / Crobat

    IMO running a 4-4-4 line of Crobat when you have 4 Ultra Ball and 4 Scoop Up is just a bad choice. I'd do 4-3-3, even if you get a crobat or Golbat prized, you still Scoop Up's and Ultra Ball out the ass, so that could be some free room.
  17. DevinTheWelf

    Discussion 2015-2016 Season Rotation

    After the reveal of the new Lugia-EX coming in Bandit Ring, I'm pretty sure we can all say that the next format will be KSS-on or XY1-on. (for those of you who don't know what the Lugia-EX does, it's basically a colorless Mewtwo-EX). There's also Ace Trainer, which seems to be a replacement for N.
  18. DevinTheWelf

    Standard Malamar EX / Victini EX / Shaymin EX

    Like OpoShmo said, this deck has no real plot, it's just a bunch of Pokemon thrown together. I know that in your head you have figured out what you want to do with them, but 10 of your Pokemon only have one card, you really need consistency and focus on one strategy. You said that you don't have...
  19. DevinTheWelf

    Free2Play Games

    Screw you for bringing me to the pointless yet addicting game of Agario. This game is way to fun for something so simple.
  20. DevinTheWelf

    The Best Era of Pokemon TCG

    I first started looking into the Pokemon TCG around when the Plasma sets were coming out so I've only been able to experience the BW and XY era, and a lot of people seem to bash them for revolving around mainly basic Pokemon. So because I was not around to experience the older eras of Pokemon...