Search results

  1. Luxinity

    finally got my costume ready for next week.

    finally got my costume ready for next week.
  2. Luxinity

    no, it's Lunala GX

    no, it's Lunala GX
  3. Luxinity

    TCG Fakes Mimikyu Madness Mini-set

    Very nicely done!
  4. Luxinity

    What's the forecast today, you may ask? A incoming barrage of misused pronouns!

    What's the forecast today, you may ask? A incoming barrage of misused pronouns!
  5. Luxinity

    Happy Birthday, Aria!

    Happy Birthday, Aria!
  6. Luxinity

    I don't mind the ads, I don't mind the buffer, But when ads buffer, I suffer.

    I don't mind the ads, I don't mind the buffer, But when ads buffer, I suffer.
  7. Luxinity

    Anyone here knows reol?

    Anyone here knows reol?
  8. Luxinity

    I'm n0t teM!

    I'm n0t teM!
  9. Luxinity

    Anime Hiclone, Oshai,Gekkihaidaini, what else?

    Anime Hiclone, Oshai,Gekkihaidaini, what else?
  10. Luxinity

    i'm alone. oh, so so alone in this dystopic world but apart from the wind, it's not something...

    i'm alone. oh, so so alone in this dystopic world but apart from the wind, it's not something that fellow people would care about.
  11. Luxinity

    11 days left

    11 days left
  12. Luxinity

    tag team pokemon are hard to use too, huge energy cost and a huge prize penalty.

    tag team pokemon are hard to use too, huge energy cost and a huge prize penalty.
  13. Luxinity


  14. Luxinity


  15. Luxinity

    how in the world did you know?

    how in the world did you know?
  16. Luxinity

    i searched for violet valkyrie and got this cute avi.

    i searched for violet valkyrie and got this cute avi.
  17. Luxinity

    the binder.

    the binder.
  18. Luxinity

    PS actually means the first two letters of AP's name

    PS actually means the first two letters of AP's name
  19. Luxinity

    always moisturize your face with the tears of your enemies.

    always moisturize your face with the tears of your enemies.
  20. Luxinity

    It's the gal overwatch character!

    It's the gal overwatch character!