Search results

  1. Lenny

    Check, Lol, I will give you the Thundurus just because I feel bad that there's nothing you...

    Check, Lol, I will give you the Thundurus just because I feel bad that there's nothing you really want of mine. Might as well give you something you want a little. My FC: 1950-8771-9381 IGN: Oren Let me know yours, I will add you, and then we will trade soon! Thank you very much, you...
  2. Lenny

    Check, I mean that would be really nice of you to do that. If there's nothing at all you want...

    Check, I mean that would be really nice of you to do that. If there's nothing at all you want then I guess I will take it for free but I can give you the Thundurus if you like? Also I don't have internet access at this very moment but I should within the hour so let's exchange FC's and would...
  3. Lenny

    Check, Wow, that was fast! Take a look at my trade thread (in my signature) to see if there's...

    Check, Wow, that was fast! Take a look at my trade thread (in my signature) to see if there's anything you would like for it. I've seen your thread and I know you've already got a lot of Pokemon bred so hopefully you can find something.
  4. Lenny

    Check, Lol, gotcha. Let me know if it works out, I'd happily give you a generous offer for it.

    Check, Lol, gotcha. Let me know if it works out, I'd happily give you a generous offer for it.
  5. Lenny

    I read on one of your posts that you are able to clone your 6IV Japanese Ditto? If so I'd be...

    I read on one of your posts that you are able to clone your 6IV Japanese Ditto? If so I'd be extremely interested in it it's one of my 2 major wants at the moment. If you wanna take a look at my list and see if there's anything you want from it that'd be great thanks.
  6. Lenny

    Axell Starr, Thanks, much appreciated!

    Axell Starr, Thanks, much appreciated!
  7. Lenny

    Wi-Fi Trades Lighty's Lab: Rare pokemon and Egg moves

    Do you have Leftovers or Lucky Eggs? CML if you do.
  8. Lenny

    Doesn't seem like I'm getting any Internet anytime soon. I was able to use a phone's mobile...

    Doesn't seem like I'm getting any Internet anytime soon. I was able to use a phone's mobile hotspot for a little bit to transfer Pokemon from the PokeBank but that's about it. For now I am kind of stuck until I get to go home D:
  9. Lenny

    Wi-Fi Trades Lenny's Trade Thread - Many 5IVs, Legendaries, etc. MAJOR WANT: LEFTOVERS

    RE: Lenny's Trade Thread - Many 5IVs, Legendaries, Services, and more! Actually, I am more interested in your 5IV Elekid. Does it only come with a Naive nature? The nature doesn't really matter much, but if you would like, I can do the Ekans for the Elekid? And for those who are...
  10. Lenny

    Hey Axell, I was not able to set up my Internet here at university. For now, I unfortunately...

    Hey Axell, I was not able to set up my Internet here at university. For now, I unfortunately cannot trade while I am on campus. However, I am hopefully going to go back home next weekend. I understand if you get the Articuno from someone else in that time. I apologize for the inconvenience...
  11. Lenny

    Wi-Fi Trades Lenny's Trade Thread - Many 5IVs, Legendaries, etc. MAJOR WANT: LEFTOVERS

    RE: Lenny's Trade Thread - Many 5IVs, Legendaries, Services, and more! Bump! Updated with a couple more wants and many more haves!
  12. Lenny

    Wi-Fi Trades Axell Starr's Trade Thread: Dex complete, Now offering cloning services

    RE: Axell Starr's Trade Thread: 4iv hatchlings for most anything + plenty of bank events Thanks, I'll let you know sometime soon when I have access to it so we can set up a time for the trade in advance.
  13. Lenny

    Wi-Fi Trades Axell Starr's Trade Thread: Dex complete, Now offering cloning services

    RE: Axell Starr's Trade Thread: 4iv hatchlings for most anything + plenty of bank events Yeah I'd be down for that. I would prefer the one missing special attack. Also, I don't have access to Internet currently but I should on the weekend. Do you mind for the wait?
  14. Lenny

    Wi-Fi Trades Axell Starr's Trade Thread: Dex complete, Now offering cloning services

    RE: Axell Starr's Trade Thread: 4iv hatchlings for most anything + plenty of bank events Hey, I'm interested in your 5IV Beldum Careful nature. Take a look at my trade thread (in my sig) and see if there's anything you are interested in. Thanks!
  15. Lenny

    Wi-Fi Trades Dracaufeu's IV and Shiny Trading Den LF:Competitive 5-6 IV H: 6 IV Spanish Ditto

    RE: Dracaufeu's IV and Shiny Trading Den LF: drain punch shrromish/breloom H: 6 IV Spanish Ditto I am very interested in your 6IV Ditto from Spain. Check out my trade thread (in my signature). I'm willing to trade 3-4 of my 4-5IV Pokemon for it. I also have a Shiny Audino not on the list if...
  16. Lenny

    Eron, no problem. Shoot me a message or PM with the time you want to do the trade whenever.

    Eron, no problem. Shoot me a message or PM with the time you want to do the trade whenever.
  17. Lenny

    Did you still want to do the Meditite for the Mawile?

    Did you still want to do the Meditite for the Mawile?
  18. Lenny

    Wi-Fi Trades Vincent Trading: Battle Maison Items + Lot's of Shiny's + 5IV Turtwigs

    RE: Vincent Trading: Battle Maison Items + Lot`s Of Shiny`s + 5IV Turtwigs What are the outstanding Ditto's that you have? 5-6 IV ones? And what natures? If you're willing to trade them, I have 5IV Pokemon as well as a shiny Audino, but it's the only shiny I've got if shinies are all you are...
  19. Lenny

    Wi-Fi Trades Eron's Trade Thread Battle Items/4-5IV's/Bank Pokémon/Evo stones. Just Bumped!

    RE: Eron's Trade Thread *New Service, Battle Items* /4-5IV's/Bank Pokémon/Evo stones. Yeah that one is perfectly fine. Let me know when you want to trade. My FC is: 1950-8771-9381. IGN: Oren.
  20. Lenny

    Thanks for the trade! Been looking to snag one of these Marill's for a while now. Looking...

    Thanks for the trade! Been looking to snag one of these Marill's for a while now. Looking forward to trading with you in the future.