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  1. shadoworganoid

    Revolving Meganiums

    Shaymin Land form Lv X could help as can Cherrim. You could also try Celebi Prime for faster energy accel.
  2. shadoworganoid

    The Collector's Showcase: Post Pictures of Any Type of Pokémon Collection!

    RE: Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture! So? Mind you this thread is all about "COLLECTION". Those would obviously go into our collection binders. lol
  3. shadoworganoid

    The Collector's Showcase: Post Pictures of Any Type of Pokémon Collection!

    RE: Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture! arapokemaster: But the thing is, having the Japanese versions of some cards is just too cool to pass up. Viper.Fox: And you actually had that much money to spend on it!? Lucky. How much is the ENG Umbreon and Espeon * worth?
  4. shadoworganoid

    Cyber Ghost (PorygonZ/Banette) (Cities/States Masters)

    Thats why I have banette (PL). I liked this guy over Regice. A regice start = sad face. Shuppet start = fun. Plus, as stated, Banette adds to my draw power.
  5. shadoworganoid

    The Collector's Showcase: Post Pictures of Any Type of Pokémon Collection!

    RE: Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture! Okay get ready for a bunch of pics. lol Sorry, I dont know how to resize them. But as you can see, I have a fair amount of Star pokemon and other good stuff.
  6. shadoworganoid

    The Collector's Showcase: Post Pictures of Any Type of Pokémon Collection!

    RE: Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture! .....I want your Umbreon * (JPN)... *Drools all over Keyboard* Seriously, HOW did you get it? That card is worth a TON! Also, where did you get that box of B/W collection? I'll post a few picks of my current collection...
  7. shadoworganoid

    PokeBeach's Gamertag & PSN Name Vault

    RE: Pokebeach's Xbox Live Gamertag Vault Bio Volcano As the others have said, let me know your from the beach. And preferabley which member you are. I only play Black Ops, or Left for Dead 2.
  8. shadoworganoid

    Why is Rhyperior X such a big deal?

    I guess that makes sence. Quick! Everyone go online and buy Rhyperior Lv Xs while they are still cheap and considered worthless! lol But yeah, its a shame that it had to be a level X card that worked well mew Prime. Being a Lv X gives it an auto $10+ value roughly, but now if this deck...
  9. shadoworganoid

    Why is Rhyperior X such a big deal?

    Okay fine, it has a much higher POTENTIAL damage output, but the odds of getting 5 energy on top of your deck is nearly zero. And its only 2 Turns of energy attachments. Fire + DCE.
  10. shadoworganoid

    Why is Rhyperior X such a big deal?

    Okay I see that everyone is now wanting Mew Prime and Rhyperior Lv X. But why Rhyperior!? It is not the best choice for that deck. Isnt the point of that deck to use Hard Crush and hit for high damage? Why would anyone use Rhyperior X when they could use Magmortar (UL) instead? Even with...
  11. shadoworganoid

    Check my list.

    RE: Tradeees. Well like I said, I have Mew Prime unlisted. I also have Rhyperior Lv X, Dialga (PL) and RH Junk Arm (if you want that). Can we maybe work something out for 1 of those Luxray Gl Lv X???
  12. shadoworganoid

    Kabutops with what?

    Oh yeah. I didnt read the Omystar from AR. Sounds good. lol And I said to use both Aerodactyl.
  13. shadoworganoid

    Kabutops with what?

    Well the first thing to consider is trainer lock. While in your hand, each fossil card counts as a trainer and thus cant be played if Spiritomb or Vileplume is in play. Under trainer lock, the entire deck just dies. However, that can be some what countered by the special ability of Dialga G Lv...
  14. shadoworganoid

    Found Some Great Cards for Cheap Today

    Well, supposing your both telling the truth, then congrats man. GREAT find. Very Jelous... Like many of us have said already, if thats all a hoax, then..... *Sad face*
  15. shadoworganoid

    Check my list.

    RE: Tradeees. CML for Luxray GL Lv X please? I have Mew Prime unlisted. I also have Rhyperior Lv X, Dialga (PL) and RH Junk Arm (if you want that). EDIT: Do you have any older cards? Such as Lugia ex? Or any gold star pokemon?
  16. shadoworganoid

    Cyber Ghost (PorygonZ/Banette) (Cities/States Masters)

    Good point. A mesprit is a nice idea. Hmmm....
  17. shadoworganoid

    Cyber Ghost (PorygonZ/Banette) (Cities/States Masters)

    So everyone likes my list then?
  18. shadoworganoid

    BW/BW2 Kyurem Speculation Thread

    Why do we all think there is somthing special to Kuyrem beyond "just being another legendary"? All legendary pokemon have a "story" behind them, and Im sure Kuyrem's is just like the rest. Dont get me wrong, this is one of my favorite new pokemon. Dragon Ice type. Heck yes.
  19. shadoworganoid

    Cyber Ghost (PorygonZ/Banette) (Cities/States Masters)

    Pokemon: 4-3-3-1 Porygon-Z Lv X (Promo-TR-2Promo/1 TR- Lv X) 1-1 Dialga G Lv X 2-1 Banette (PL) 0-1 Banette (TR) 2 Uxie 1 Azelf 1 Unown Q T/S/S: 3 BTS 2 Rare Candy 3 Collector 3 Comunication 2 Bebe 2 Expert Belt 1 Luxury Ball 3 TM-1 (Evolutor) 3 TM-2 (De...
  20. shadoworganoid

    Found Some Great Cards for Cheap Today

    Decamaster: Not fair. I said that for a different topic. Plus, even if that is true, (which it very well likely is...) this is most likely a fact. Dont you find it very unlikely that a Luxray GL Lv X could be found for only $3 dollars? I mean really. People do all kinds of things to look...