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  1. shadoworganoid

    Found Some Great Cards for Cheap Today

    arapokemaster is probably right. No card shop or company would ever sell a luxray X for that little. They run a buisness, not a givaway. They did their research and thus they sell their cards accordingly. There is no way in heck that he actually bought a legit Luxray GL Lv X for only $3...
  2. shadoworganoid

    Got what I needed. Mods can close any time.

    RE: Want to buy TM Evolutor and De Evolutors ^Hmmm.... Well after having made 2 purchases on here already, how much for just the TM's?
  3. shadoworganoid

    Ruling Porygon-Z and Umbreon UD question

    Since I plan to build Porygon-Z, I feel I should clarify on a ruling. and and Umbreon's Moonlight Fang prevents all effects of attacks including damage done to it by pokemon with Poke Powers or Poke Bodies. Obviously that would block Porygon Z's attack damage etc...
  4. shadoworganoid

    Anime Discussion Thread

    RE: Best Anime Series? Card Slinger J: I know what you mean. 4Kids TV and any other american source, totally ruins anime with their idea of a good ENG Dub. Im so familiar with the JPN voices for Yugioh 5Ds, that when I heard Sherry's english voice I nearly pooped my pants. lol Its the same...
  5. shadoworganoid

    Game of the Year 2010

    biscuitvega: Of course black ops is violent. Its a war game. I wouldnt expect a 12 year old to agree with us older gamers, but it is seriously a good game. And if I had to guess, your not allowed to play it which is why you say it sucks. I've learned that people tend to insult things they...
  6. shadoworganoid

    Anime Discussion Thread

    RE: Best Anime Series? Zoro: You cant just leave it like that. "It has a lot of action" is not a good persuation statement. Not many people are drawn to pure pointless action. Code Geass IS one of my votes for best anime series however. It has a great storyline and it developes the characters...
  7. shadoworganoid

    Help with cards and sleeves (what to buy)

    RE: Halp Meh TrollandToad is a great place for buying individual cards. I am working on my master sets of every set from MD up to current. In my Triumphant Set for example, I am only missing 2 rares from the set. That being said, it is foolish to get a whole box when I only need 2 cards. Sure I...
  8. shadoworganoid

    Which deck is better?

    So far people seem to be favoring Porgyon Z. I do as well, so luckily Im collecting the remaining cards needed for that deck. lol
  9. shadoworganoid

    Magnezone Prime-Feraligatr Prime Deck Idea

    RE: a deck idea There are other threads talking about this same idea. Its an ok idea. I have no real opinion yet. I prefer straight Magnezone myself.
  10. shadoworganoid

    What To Get?

    Call of Legends is going to be terrible. A huge waste of money. No joke. So far, all of the cards Im seeing reprinted are cards we just got in Undaunted. They reprinted Houndoom UD! WHY!? They also reprinted the Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee from UD as well. They are just filling the slots with...
  11. shadoworganoid

    Have: Bulk mint HOLOS (I'll take anything), Charizard EX, W: Crystals/E-series

    RE: W: E-series/Shining/Crystal. H: Crystal CHARIZARD, Legendary Char, 1 Ed, Old holos! For starters, what was the condition of the Charizard? As to a compaired value.... Im not sure. Obviously Charizard is worth more. I have no problem with trading both for it. If you like.
  12. shadoworganoid

    What To Get?

    Minimidget: Ah, but money is paper too. LOL :P The most cost effective option is buying a booster box. You dont have online access? (You dont need a credit card to buy online.) Or maybe a game store close by that sells cards?
  13. shadoworganoid

    What kind of phone do you have?

    I just upgraded my phone for Xmas this year. This is what I have: That is the new LG Optimus Android phone. I. Love. It.
  14. shadoworganoid

    Have: Bulk mint HOLOS (I'll take anything), Charizard EX, W: Crystals/E-series

    RE: W: E-series/Shining/Crystal. H: Crystal CHARIZARD, Legendary Char, 1 Ed, Old holos! They are both in played condition. The Noctowl has a bit of edge wear on the back side. Front seems pretty good. The Raichu is much better but still played condition. Much less edge wear then Noctowl...
  15. shadoworganoid

    Any Ideas What Other Cards Will be Reprinted?

    Im interested in a reprint for: Boost Energy, Night Maintenence, googleeanes, Double Rainbow Energy, Skarmory ex (minus the "ex" part), Island Hermit, Castaway, Wally's Training and Strange Cave. Lots of good old cards...
  16. shadoworganoid

    Have: Bulk mint HOLOS (I'll take anything), Charizard EX, W: Crystals/E-series

    RE: W: E-series/Shining/Crystal. H: Crystal CHARIZARD, Legendary Char, 1 Ed, Old holos! Well, I too am collecting Shinning Pokemon, Crystal Pokemon etc. Im missing 4 of the Shinning Pokemon where as Im only missing 2 of the Crystal Pokemon. I suppose I could trade these: Shinning Noctowl and...
  17. shadoworganoid

    Which deck is better?

    Okay this is a simple topic, I need help deciding between a couple decks. Deck 1: Charizard This deck has proven itself recently to be a worthy contender in the format. (Yes, I currently play Charizard but am hoping for a change.) Pro's: - Hits for low energy. - Has solid draw...
  18. shadoworganoid

    Magnezone (Masters,Any)

    Heatran is not needed in here. The SF magnezone with Super Conductivity is all you need for energy accel. That being said, you actually dont really need DCE either. -4 DCE -1 Magnezone (Magnetic search) -2-2 Heatran X -1 Sableye +1 Sp Metal +1 Rescue (you will never draw it when needed...
  19. shadoworganoid

    Have: Bulk mint HOLOS (I'll take anything), Charizard EX, W: Crystals/E-series

    RE: W: E-series/Shining/Crystal. H: Crystal CHARIZARD, Legendary Char, 1 Ed, Old holos! Will you CML for Crystal Charizard please?
  20. shadoworganoid

    Game of the Year 2010

    Game: Call of Duty Black Ops Why: There is nothing left to say that everyone else hasnt already said.