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  1. Dialkia198

    Just so you know (since I don't think I told you) my FC is 4940-6571-2811.

    Just so you know (since I don't think I told you) my FC is 4940-6571-2811.
  2. Dialkia198

    Hey, is it possible that you could make that trade for my egglocke now?

    Hey, is it possible that you could make that trade for my egglocke now?
  3. Dialkia198

    I'm terribly sorry about that. I got called to breakfast. I'm need to go help with some chores...

    I'm terribly sorry about that. I got called to breakfast. I'm need to go help with some chores now, so we should probably wait just a little.
  4. Dialkia198

    Hey! I'm available right now, so if you want, we could trade now. My friend code is 4940 - 6571...

    Hey! I'm available right now, so if you want, we could trade now. My friend code is 4940 - 6571 - 2811.
  5. Dialkia198

    XY Dialkia's Y Egglocke

    New part time. So Vom, does that answer your question about if I got the good eggs or not?
  6. Dialkia198

    Hey! I was wondering if, when you had time, you could donate those extra 4 eggs I need for my...

    Hey! I was wondering if, when you had time, you could donate those extra 4 eggs I need for my Egglocke. Thanks in advance.
  7. Dialkia198

    XY Dialkia's Y Egglocke

    Right. Let's get on with it.
  8. Dialkia198

    Pokémon Playthrough Center

    I am currently in the middle of an Egglocke playthrough (an egg-based Nuzlocke variant) of Pokemon Y Version. It may be found here:
  9. Dialkia198

    XY Dialkia's Y Egglocke

    Hmm... well, once I reach the next city, I'll have the opportunity to hatch two eggs, so I guess we'll find out! Also, quick update to say that I have finished my training session, so updates should resume soon - that is, once I have completed a sufficient amount of gameplay. For those who...
  10. Dialkia198

    XY Dialkia's Y Egglocke

    Hmmm... it wouldn't have anything to do with rain, now would it? ;) Yes, yes it does. In the end, that type overlap doesn't really matter anyway. I still might take those eggs, but it all depends. Rules are rules, anyway.
  11. Dialkia198

    XY Dialkia's Y Egglocke

    Thanks! I did find it very fun when I did an egglocke 2 years ago, which is what inspired me to try it again. I may end up taking you up on that offer, too. Also, I considered registering this there, but hesitated because egglockes weren't mentioned on the page. Definitely going to do that...
  12. Dialkia198

    Lugia123, okay, great. I'm going for a hike soon, but I'll try to be back around then.

    Lugia123, okay, great. I'm going for a hike soon, but I'll try to be back around then.
  13. Dialkia198

    raichulover11, great! I've already registered your FC. You can find mine in an earlier PM I sent...

    raichulover11, great! I've already registered your FC. You can find mine in an earlier PM I sent you.
  14. Dialkia198

    Sorry to bother you, but are you available to trade now?

    Sorry to bother you, but are you available to trade now?
  15. Dialkia198

    When do you think you will be available? Just so you know, my FC is 4940-6571-2811.

    When do you think you will be available? Just so you know, my FC is 4940-6571-2811.
  16. Dialkia198

    XY Dialkia's Y Egglocke

    Okay, thanks. I'll contact you later.
  17. Dialkia198

    Are you available to trade now? My FC is 4940-6571-2811.

    Are you available to trade now? My FC is 4940-6571-2811.
  18. Dialkia198

    Okay, thanks!

    Okay, thanks!
  19. Dialkia198

    Yeah, I am available now.

    Yeah, I am available now.
  20. Dialkia198

    Okay, I had a meeting I had to go to, so I wasn't available as long as I thought. Just so you...

    Okay, I had a meeting I had to go to, so I wasn't available as long as I thought. Just so you know, my FC is 4940-6571-2811. I should be available for the rest of the week.