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  1. jamashawalker

    Discussion Unveiling my new favorite deck!

    Ok so I decided to give this deck a test and it went exactly as I predicted. It hates non-gx decks, takes an auto loss vs them and it loses SUPER hard to Abilityzard and Mewthree. Aside from my wins from my opponents quitting before the coin flips, my other wins came from my opponent bricking...
  2. jamashawalker

    Discussion Unveiling my new favorite deck!

    That's not how it works. Your attack is evolving Beedrill with rowlett eggs in the active.Now we're going into my second turn since you always vouche to go 2nd. I have a non-reshizard in play with 3 energy attached. Depending on if you have a weakness energy or not determines if I want to GX...
  3. jamashawalker

    Discussion Unveiling my new favorite deck!

    I've been playing more Ability Reshizard to see how I can play against it, and trust me when I say Welder two turns in a row is a lot easier than I thought. If it's your turn going second, you have an exposed Rowlett Eggs in the active, during which case (weakness guard energy or not) I can take...
  4. jamashawalker

    Discussion Unveiling my new favorite deck!

    Here's the problem I have with playing Rowlett eggs. which I mentioned before. Turn 2 300 damage. I'm not sure which decks you've been playing against, maybe they bricked, maybe they played badly, maybe they couldn't get the turn 2 300 damage, maybe they decided to bench reshizard when they...
  5. jamashawalker

    Discussion Unveiling my new favorite deck!

    Ok i'll bite into the bait... how is this anti meta? You take a HUGE L to the most popular deck in the format, Tord's Reshizard. You take almost any L to Mewthree decks. You have a big reliance on Rowlett Eggs, and you have to stick it in the active to utilize beedrill. The top tier decks are...
  6. jamashawalker

    Standard Purple Haze (Ultra Necrozma / Malamar / Giratina / Blacephalon / Mew / Cramorant V)

    Looked over your list and there are some changes you can make to the list: I was wondering how you found so much space to add all of these cards then I saw you weren't playing the Jirachi engine. I strongly recommend you go this route because Jirachi is the reason Malamar is still as consistent...
  7. jamashawalker

    Discussion Malamar’s Last Stand

    Hey Mystic Vulpix. Thanks for creating this thread. I'll give some insight to what I think of Malamar in this current metagame. I see alot of comments around Malamar being that it's too slow/it sucks/inconsistent etc. From playing it this entire metagame I can never put my finger on why those...
  8. jamashawalker

    'Alter Genesis,' 'High Class Pack 2019' Sets Announced for Japan!

    PuffBunny is alot like Snorlax & Eevee. It can be teched into certain decks for the match ups. Because we are in such a GX heavy format it'd be good to tech into almost any deck that can accerlate 3 energy. Welder based decks, Pikarom, Dialga Palkia Arceus, Malamar. Now it really depends on if...
  9. jamashawalker

    'Cosmic Eclipse,' November's English Set!

    I'm loving that Dialga Palkia Arceus TTGX. That GX is nuts good. And we have N's resolve for energy acceleration. Although we can all tell that there's a pattern when releasing TTGXs. They'll release a pokemon/trainer card that goes along with it to make it better.
  10. jamashawalker

    Discussion What is a "healthy meta"?

    I'm definitely on the fence about this next Metagame being healthy. Going into this format I was extremely worried(wanting to even take a break) because search options are severely limited to certain archetypes, mostly non-gx pokemon. But after a ton of testing and playing more online, I found...
  11. jamashawalker

    Discussion Greens Vs Jirachi Reshizard Builds

    Reshizard with the Green's build is super consistent and amazing....on paper. It's biggest problem is Reset Stamp/Hand disruption. From testing the green's build with healing options is amazing and makes Reshizard an insanely annoying card to deal with. But again, that Reset stamp when they are...
  12. jamashawalker

    Several 'Dream League' Cards Revealed, Including Special Full Arts!

    Definitely going to try that out next!
  13. jamashawalker

    Several 'Dream League' Cards Revealed, Including Special Full Arts!

    As soon as Excadrill was announced, I immediately built a deck around Zebstrika+Excadrill+ Clefairy doll. Very similar idea to yours, just get your deck down to zero cards then keep recycling Clefairy doll back into the deck. With 4 clefairy dolls and everyone most likely switching over to great...
  14. jamashawalker

    Several 'Dream League' Cards Revealed, Including Special Full Arts!

    I'm surprised we didn't play the guessing game earlier lol So I'm calling some of them out now: Lt Surge: Magneton/Raichu Flannery: Torkoal Will: Xatu Silvally/Type Null: Gladion Erika: Vileplume/Gloom Roxie: Koffing Clay: Excadrill Jasmine: Steelix And possibly more
  15. jamashawalker

    'Unified Minds,' August's SM11 Set!

    This just in... the malamar decks have just dropped in price significantly hahaha
  16. jamashawalker

    Alt. Format Nuzzle 2.0 (Cosmic Eclipse format)

    This is super early and we don't have all of cards from the set revealed yet so some things may be changed around. But from my experience of using Nuzzle the first time all you need is an Emolga+Energy and you are rolling. This archetype got alot better with that new Raichu being searchable +...
  17. jamashawalker

    Standard Blastoise deck

    Everything from Shining legends and below is rotating. So roughly about half of your list will not be playable in the standard format
  18. jamashawalker

    Standard TinaChomp Test list

    The reason for 2 Tinachomps vs 3 is because Mewthree is your 3rd tinachomp in a pinch. From all of my testing I use Tinachomp once a game, if that. Giratina+Spell Tags should be your main focus of the deck and only use Tinachomp when you have to. Mostly against Bulky Reshizards and other Bulky...
  19. jamashawalker

    Several 'Dream League' Cards Revealed, Including Special Full Arts!

    I get that not every pokemon should be competitively viable in some way, but I'm really disappointed in their decisions towards some of these pokemon. They were low-key smart in giving wishiwashi a 3 retreat cost. 180+Buff padding, with the power the possibly recycle it back in the deck to heal...