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  1. Blah

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [NXD-on live] Once FUF launches, I will probably abandon PTCG altogether. There's no point in playing a simulator that is quite frankly 100% inferior to this one. Props to axpendix for developing the next generation of the free TCG...
  2. Blah

    Head Noiser, M Manectric-EX, Chandelure from ‘Phantom Gate’ [8/29]

    Ah. That makes more sense :p
  3. Blah

    Head Noiser, M Manectric-EX, Chandelure from ‘Phantom Gate’ [8/29]

    ^ Er, I'm not sure you read Head Noiser right. You attach it to your opponent's Pokémon and it makes their attacks cost [C] more, not vice versa. Edit: Ninja'd. Twice. And on that note, WOAH. Forcing your opponent to take another attachment to attack? That's incredibly powerful against...
  4. Blah

    Bronzong from 'Hyper Metal Chain Deck' [8/29]

    ...WHAT Wow. Quite literally jumped out of my chair when I saw this. This card is unbelievably good, whether with Klinklang or just as an accelerator in general. Metal always struggled because of the lack of acceleration, and it just got the best acceleration in the game. Few cards look...
  5. Blah

    RogueChomp's 13'-14' Season: #Worlds2k14

    He only would have put you in the props if you had insulted hammertime in the process of knocking out Jeffery.
  6. Blah

    Salamencetrainer34, Tired >_> Had a stupid amount of homework last year in school which...

    Salamencetrainer34, Tired >_> Had a stupid amount of homework last year in school which unfortunately didn't leave a lot of time for fun stuff like Pokémon. Once I get my college apps in this fall I'll be playing a lot more.
  7. Blah

    Salamencetrainer34, IT'S ALIVE

    Salamencetrainer34, IT'S ALIVE
  8. Blah

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [NXD-on live] /me cheers Really happy to finally be able to use this as a testing platform. Any chance that FUF and BCR-on will be added soon?
  9. Blah

    'Champions Festival' Promo for Worlds 2014 [8/14]

    I've heard this arguement a lot, and I've always vehemently disagreed with it. Are there winning decks that don't play beach? Yes. But there are also many tournaments where a deck with beach is the best play, and at such tournaments, players who cannot afford or get access to beach are put at...
  10. Blah

    'Champions Festival' Promo for Worlds 2014 [8/14]

    Actually, I'm happy the worlds promo is for the most part unplayable, and hope it will continue to stay that way. Nobody wants another situation like the one we had with beach.
  11. Blah

    Should Tropical Beach Get Reprinted or Banned?

    RE: Why did Pokemon Released Tropical Beach? I think the statement "Tropical Beach is bad for the game" is a flawed statement. The more correct statement is "Tropical Beach's price is bad for the game." And yes, it was stupid of TPCi to print it. The company has made its fair share of...
  12. Blah

    RogueChomp's 13'-14' Season: #Worlds2k14

    RE: RogueChomp's 13'-14' Season: #Nationals2014 Arjun just sucks at navigating #googlemaps
  13. Blah

    U.S. Nationals 2014

    I scrubbed out REALLY hard, I didn't know my deck well enough. Also, ties. However, I think the highlight of the tournament was winning a side event with Weavile and then getting 2nd in another, much larger side event.
  14. Blah

    Blah's 2013-2014 Season. Check back during Nats weekend for updates! (and make some predictions befo

    So guys, sorry to dissapoint you. I scrubbed hard at 3-3-3 lol. I played what will be henceforth be known as Blahsma. It was basically a super techy plasma list. Updates tomorrow with how I do playing Weavile at side events.
  15. Blah

    Blah's 2013-2014 Season. Check back during Nats weekend for updates! (and make some predictions befo

    Remember to check back tomorrow for updates when I have time! Oh, and for those of you who want to know what I'm playing, the deck name will have a Blah pun in it. That's all I can reveal at the moment.
  16. Blah

    U.S. Nationals 2014

    Leaving on my flight soon! It's TOMORROW everyone! Wow. If you want to say hi, look for the Ranger's backpack, which I will have on me at all times.
  17. Blah

    Blah's 2013-2014 Season. Check back during Nats weekend for updates! (and make some predictions befo

    You're going to go 0-0-0 because you won't make it to the tournament alive >:[ If someone lends me all the cards, I will legit play 420Blahzeit for side events #yolo #blahpuns #dbt
  18. Blah
  19. Blah

    Trevenant / Accelgor

    RE: Trevenant/Accelgor Here's the issue I've always had with this deck: from a matchup standpoint, it's extremely good, however from the consistency and general "good-ness" standpoint, it struggles. Yes, I understand the argument that you can miss a deck and cover and still be fine, but the...