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  1. ShuffleMcDeck

    Standard Please Rate My Mewtwo-GX Deck! (Mewtwo GX/Lunala GX)

    I personally like the Lunala/Max Potion combo. My friend @Gigglez used to play it a whole lot to a fair amount of success, but the biggest problem was always when the energy finally died. Malamar is definitely the best option in the future, but if you don't want to worry about evolving another...
  2. ShuffleMcDeck

    Discussion Which Deck Drives You Crazy?

    Necrozma, Dawn Wings Necrozma, Naganadel, and Malamar is a very cool-sounding combo
  3. ShuffleMcDeck

    Discussion Potentially Good Decks in the Future

    SM1 = meh. Guardians Rising = insanity. Burning Shadows = insanity. Crimson Invasion = meh. Ultra Prism = insanity. Forbidden Light = insanity. Looks like the next set is scheduled to be meh
  4. ShuffleMcDeck

    Discussion Which Deck Drives You Crazy?

    Ye olde anti-Emerald Break Necrozma GX is a Psychic discarder, I agree with your points on Buzzwole, and I would pay to see pre-Forest-ban Decidueye vs Greninja BREAK
  5. ShuffleMcDeck

    Discussion Strange Decks that are Pretty Good.

    I always considered tank-based decks incredibly strange and incredibly good. Examples include, but are not limited to Wailord EX, and a card/deck @Tapu Lele and I hold very dear: Wishiwashi GX.
  6. ShuffleMcDeck

    Expanded Alolan Ninetales-GX/Blastoise/Starmie

    I actually just took another trip to cut city with a -1 Cyrus {*} for +1 Rough Seas. I made the same conclusion as you did right before visiting this thread again.
  7. ShuffleMcDeck

    Standard Fighting Fury

    May I emphasize that the Garchomp deck is to date the most competitive in existence and is worth the small price you pay for it. Seriously, its incredible for players who haven't yet built a solid base of staples. However, if you are bent on not spending money on specific single cards, allow me...
  8. ShuffleMcDeck

    Standard Fighting Fury

    I can stand here and throw all the standard information about how bad this deck is and give the uniform advice of "get good Pokémon," but I understand your situation in that your supplies are limited. First off, I would encourage getting 1-2 of the recent Garchomp theme decks. They're cheap ways...
  9. ShuffleMcDeck

    Expanded Alolan Ninetales-GX/Blastoise/Starmie

    Updated the list! changes: -1 Rough Seas - 1 Brooklet Hill -1 Float Stone - 1 Muscle Band (still haven't gotten me more choice bands but it actually put muscle band actually puts in decent work especially considering the Japanese format right now) I still have yet to procure an Ace Spec, and...
  10. ShuffleMcDeck

    Discussion Which Deck Drives You Crazy?

    Very good points. It's a wonder Zachary Bokhari played that otherwise useless Giratina Promo in last year's Worlds.
  11. ShuffleMcDeck

    Standard Alolan Ninetales Deck

    That would be great if this was an Expanded deck. But alas, not.
  12. ShuffleMcDeck

    Japan's SM6+ Set, 'Dragon Storm,' Plus 'Champion Road' Mini-Set!

    While everyone poured their life savings into Leles, Lele herself poured her savings on Wishiwashi. THE BIGGEST META CARD IS POURING HER SAVINGS INTO WISHIWASHI WAKE UP PEOPLE!
  13. ShuffleMcDeck

    Japan's SM6+ Set, 'Dragon Storm,' Plus 'Champion Road' Mini-Set!

    I got me a 'Tales-GX deck in Expanded that counters 'lazzle like Bruce Lee after a telegraphed punched, but I can see it becoming scary. Really scary.
  14. ShuffleMcDeck

    Japan's SM6+ Set, 'Dragon Storm,' Plus 'Champion Road' Mini-Set!

    Ooooooh nellie would you take a look at that Salazzledazzle.
  15. ShuffleMcDeck

    Japan's SM6+ Set, 'Dragon Storm,' Plus 'Champion Road' Mini-Set!

    By "playable" I meant that in terms of him being a stall machine, papawashi is obviously is only ever good as a tank. That's something I think everyone realizes as of now (Wailord is obviously better, but Washi now has a higher HP cap, meaning he could be used as a rogue stall deck of sorts).
  16. ShuffleMcDeck

    News Japan's SM6b, 'Champion Road'!

    Articuno looks promising as a "surprise here's more math for you opponent" piece a la Tapu Koko-GX, but the lack of a good GX attack may hurt it. Salamence over here is like the A. Ninetales to Dragonite's Lapras, which I find really good, and Wishiwashi is becoming playable. Oh my word this set...
  17. ShuffleMcDeck

    Standard Empoleon/Zoroark (aka Bench Press)

    Play this in Expanded with Sky Field :D
  18. ShuffleMcDeck

    Japan's SM6+ Set, 'Dragon Storm,' Plus 'Champion Road' Mini-Set!

    As a dude who runs Blastoise in Expanded, I can officially say that this is exciting stuff
  19. ShuffleMcDeck

    Discussion Which Deck Drives You Crazy?

    Might I add that it may become even stronger with psychic malamar threatening our favorite ultra mosquito in the next meta.