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  1. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    Lol, didn't AP Rengar get a huge nerf?
  2. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    I want to cry. I want a simple ranked game where my team doesn't try to step sooo far out of the meta that it's completely mind-boggling. Or a game where, as a support, I feel I can actually save my teammates from a fed opponent rather than just watch them and myself explode in seconds because...
  3. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    Hey. Been a while since I've poked my head around. Figure I'll give a little update. My Current IGN - A Shiny Raikou Previous IGNs - Raidra, Raiquaza Current Role Main - Jungle Main Jungle - Wukong, Diana, Rammus, Udyr, Main ADC - Jinx, Ezreal, Ashe Main Support - Lulu, Sona Main Top - Riven...
  4. Ardi-Yarne

    momoxmomo, It was Poliwhirl, Quagsire, and Octillery, I think.

    momoxmomo, It was Poliwhirl, Quagsire, and Octillery, I think.
  5. Ardi-Yarne

    Chariblaze, Thank you.

    Chariblaze, Thank you.
  6. Ardi-Yarne

    Brave Vesperia, Thank you.

    Brave Vesperia, Thank you.
  7. Ardi-Yarne

    Sword Art Online Discussions!

    RE: Sword Art Online Discussions!!! As I said, the first half was amazing. I can't judge the second half as I can't bring myself to actually watch it. But it pulls at the heart strings constantly.
  8. Ardi-Yarne

    Sword Art Online Discussions!

    RE: Sword Art Online Discussions!!! The first half of the series was amazing. I'm a bit skeptical to continue with the second half for reasons I will avoid saying because of spoilers. It's a great premise, great characters, great development. I wish it had been a bit longer and gave a bit more...
  9. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    You are aware that ganking isn't the only thing junglers are used for, right? Yi's a counter jungler. That bonus minion/monster damage gives him everything he needs to completely gimp the enemy jungler. He's also a very good 1v1 duelist. And not every gank warrants the use of CC. It's helpful...
  10. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    I was pretty much Gold 5, but fudged my promotions and fell into a slump. Once I fell to Silver 3 and struggled to get out, I just gave up and started playing because whynot. Now I care and it's like "Oh my god, I'm paired with Bronze 5 people..." As for Yi, his issue is the crit and attack...
  11. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    Movespeed quints seem to be needed for most junglers. They're amazing on Rammus and Udyr. Especially with Homeguard Mobility boots and their respective speed boosts. I'm kind of iffy on 3.10 so far. From what I've heard, Yi is even worse in terms of being broken than he was before. And I really...
  12. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    "AP Yi" or "skills". Pick one. Can't have both. Lol.
  13. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    My first legit penta was with Zed. My second (though I don't count it) was in ARAM with AP Yi...
  14. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    You never forget your first Penta. Once you get one, though, all your Quadras blend together and become insignificant.
  15. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    Blitz is understandable, as it goes both ways: There's either a bad Blitz on your team, or an amazing Blitz on the opposing team. Udyr however is a spite ban, but I support it. I would rather fight against a powerhouse champ than worry about that one Udyr that will ruin the game for my team...
  16. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    I auto-bought it. Ended up staying up late enough to get it the moment it released. It's on sale, and I've been waiting forever for it. And with all the Udyr players prepping for it, I learned some top-lane builds, so yay. Just haven't had the chance to use the skin yet.
  17. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    Let's see. Quinn's passive, but ability triggered. Cait's Q, probably shorter ranged. Quinn's passive on an ability with Sivir's passive. Graves' E with Garen's E non-damaging effect. His ult sounds amusing to say the least. Seems like Leona, Blitz, and possibly Nami would be his support choices.
  18. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    Uggggh. Had an amazing team in ranked just now. But our Sona got caught in the jungle and forced us into a fight we didn't want to be in, resulting in the game.
  19. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    Yeah, can't wait. Only issue is he's pretty much Ez without a gapcloser (in terms of having no CC atleast) Note to self: Your team cannot carry when you starve them as Jungle Sejuani. She is massively OP and can steal kills at the drop of a hat without trying. CC means nothing without damage...
  20. Ardi-Yarne

    League of Legends

    Ugh. Within the last two days, I've failed both promotion series to drag myself out of Silver V. It's quite upsetting.