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  1. Pokenerd

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    Yes but unfortunately bulu's 210 band can't break Tag teams
  2. Pokenerd

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    Swampert GX too.
  3. Pokenerd

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    Rowlutor's first attack is really good. Most of the good combos have been metioned already: Venusaur,Meganium,Tsareena, and Decidueye. Unfortunately 150 damage is only 180 with band you need 3 Decidueye to knock out a Pikarom 4 eyes and a kukui to knock most TTs. The GX attack is Zero vanish but...
  4. Pokenerd

    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    FINALLY!!!!! But next format gardy will be bad anyway. I've been ripped off! Lol
  5. Pokenerd

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    If we had an ability to change weakness then uxie would be playable but we don't. Mesprit is a bad Dunsparce. Azelf is just bad.
  6. Pokenerd

    Standard Budget Decks for New Players

    You could use proxy cards. They are a paper print out of card that you can put on top of any real card (To keep the same strength) If you want a cheap playable deck I would play Gengar Omastar. I know play 4 Gengar & Mimikyu GX but they are only around $4 each (American) The deck will be much...
  7. Pokenerd

    Help Starting again after pre-release Unbroken bonds

    If you are trying to use mostly Unbroken Bonds cards then I would suggest Buzzwole & Pheromosa GX of Gardevoir & Sylveon GX. (You can search for Japanese lists) Both are somewhat easy to pick up. I would say Buzz & Phero are med-high budget whereas Garde & Sylveon is low-medium budget. If you...
  8. Pokenerd

    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    Upon release I think it will be Stupid overpriced. Then people will realize that it is NOT a 1-1 Lele replacement. The price will drop then.
  9. Pokenerd

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    U turn board. Let's compare to Escape board. Same primary effect. The difference is the secondary effect. Would I rather be able to retreat a sleeping Jirachi or reuse my board? Why would I want to use it again? If you were playing a deck with multiple one retreats and u were running low on...
  10. Pokenerd

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    Victini has 70 hp. Ik the attack is good but it will put yourself behind on prizes. 70hp is trubbish. J&J is infinitely loopable with mt. Coronet as already metioned. Melcario mill will abuse this card. But even then. If I'm playing mill well then my opponent has a trash hand. What exactly will...
  11. Pokenerd

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    Porygon Z with special energy deluge ability.
  12. Pokenerd

    Mind Blown. Actually didn't know about Almonds being friut.

    Mind Blown. Actually didn't know about Almonds being friut.
  13. Pokenerd

    Discussion If you could bring back one retired mechanic, what would it be?

    I've actually thought about a format where you cannot use the main attacker of any deck that has t8ed a regional. (In the current format). So we can still use GXes. Just not the good ones lol. Still imagine TEU standard without the big 5!
  14. Pokenerd

    They are the #3 nut. #2 is Cashews. #1 is Meltans

    They are the #3 nut. #2 is Cashews. #1 is Meltans
  15. Pokenerd

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    I'm trying to figure out why TCPI made this card.
  16. Pokenerd

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    I'm not sure if I would concern over the damage. If you're item-locking maybe maybe you would be better off running your opponent out of resources and/or milling them.
  17. Pokenerd

    Discussion Common Phrases Heard While Playing the TCG

    Once in round one of a tournament I heard "Lillie" 4 times within 8 seconds. (turn 1) I said "Well it's nice to hear no one is dead drawing,"
  18. Pokenerd

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    Hmm... Item lock. Looks balanced actually. Luxio is trash because of stage1 Trev is busted because you have good damage out put. Seismitoad is good because it is bulky and only uses dce. Cryoganal seems to fix all this. I really only see this being played in Zoro control. Can't wait to watch...
  19. Pokenerd

    'Unified Minds,' August's SM11 Set!

    Opinionated garbage? Must have been a typo. These are opinionated FACTS.
  20. Pokenerd

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    You forgot the end. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOBUFFET!!!!!!!