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  1. Pokenerd

    TCG Fakes The Request Armada (Requests Open, Obviously)

    Hmmm... It's almost Easter. Diggersby and Lopunny GX?
  2. Pokenerd

    Discussion Common Phrases Heard While Playing the TCG

    Well I mean it's not like they'll say no. Well, if they do call a judge. I ask but it's not really necessary no.
  3. Pokenerd

    'Unified Minds,' August's SM11 Set!

    Only last month did I say "soon we will get 300 card sets and think they are small." Scared Now? In my opinion I wish we could get sets at the same pace as Japan. I know we get a more refined format by the end but it gets STALE after after 3-4 weeks. On the bright side... RoWlEt & AlOlAn...
  4. Pokenerd

    'Sky Legends' Officially Revealed!

    Do you mean like legends way back when? Legends were a healthier version of Tag Teams in my opinion.
  5. Pokenerd

    Discussion Common Phrases Heard While Playing the TCG

    Me: Judge. Judge: Yes? Me: No I meant I am using judge. Judge: Oh ok. Me: JUDGE!!! Judge: Did you just use judge twice? Me: No my opponent drew 5 cards instead of 4. Judge: Oh ok.
  6. Pokenerd

    TCG Fakes The Request Armada (Requests Open, Obviously)

    Really cool effect! Kinda op that you can use it on pokemon without the ancient trait but this is pokemon TCG.
  7. Pokenerd

    TCG Fakes The Request Armada (Requests Open, Obviously)

    How about a Hapu card?
  8. Pokenerd

    SM10a \'GG End\' Mini-Set in April

    Wow. This... Out of all the cards here that were not previous leaked... None of them are good. I usually do in-depth reviews of cards but this? That would just be a waste of time and battery percentage.
  9. Pokenerd

    Standard Garchomp/Lucario Deck help

    For your pokemon could you put the sets beside it? I'm mostly wondering if your Garchomps and fighting. If they aren't I personally think they should be. why? Pikarom
  10. Pokenerd

    SM10a \'GG End\' Mini-Set in April

    Delinquent is banned.
  11. Pokenerd

    Alt. Format SUM-UNB Sylvoir

    When I saw Gardevoir and Sylveon GX I knew it would be good. We now have lists to go off of from Japan. I decided to make this thread! Whaddya think? Pokemon: 9 4 Gardevoir and Sylveon GX (attacker) 3 Cutiefly BUS (evolution) 2 Ribombee LOT (strand and protect)...
  12. Pokenerd

    SM10a \'GG End\' Mini-Set in April

    Coach trainer is a draw 4! Finally a draw 4 with a doable drawback! All this tag team support will make tag teams dominate. Draw 4 is good. Not much more to say. Reset Stamp I think it is better than red card because if you use it low on prizes it simply is. It brings back the comeback...
  13. Pokenerd

    Alt. Format SUM-UNB: BuzzStorm(Tri-P&B TTGX/Rayquaza GX)

    Personally I prefer the quad P&B decks from japan better. Green's search+Abandoned power plant= beast rings, no zoros, no lele, no zera, no lycanroc=wins. The Ray just doesn't seem super useful since it has inferior damage, hp, and energy cost. Cutting it would force you to rethink your...
  14. Pokenerd

    SM10a \'GG End\' Mini-Set in April

    All these new Pokemon... Are not new Pokemon. Giratina is a non GX kartana. Hoopa is weavile but worse... By a lot. Munchlax is a bad oranguru. It's like copying your homework from last year and making it worse.
  15. Pokenerd

    SM10a \'GG End\' Mini-Set in April

    Remember mind jack was 160. 190 with band. Zoroark was good when there were no TTs. Even the lowest hp TT has 240.
  16. Pokenerd

    SM10a \'GG End\' Mini-Set in April

    This is just a worse bisharp. 80 damage isn't even that relevant
  17. Pokenerd

    SM10a \'GG End\' Mini-Set in April

    Mawile doesn't do enough damage for it's energy cost in the current meta. The GX attack... Meh. Most decks don't have a ton of supporters in their hand at any given time. Though something to point out is that this breaks Lusamine loop for control decks. And this also makes Steven hats engines...
  18. Pokenerd

    SM10a \'GG End\' Mini-Set in April

    I think some people are forgetting it is a stage 2. Obviously you would play this in lucachomp. Maybe even it's own deck. Remember if you discard an energy you are doing 120. Weakness and Zoro and Pikarom are gone. This in my opinion is TEU Beedrill but better. Beedrill loses you a prize if you...
  19. Pokenerd

    Standard Lightning Rod (Raichu & Alolan Raichu GX / Zapdos / Zeraora GX / Jirachi / Tapu Koko Prism)

    This looks like Zapdos Jirachi with ChuChus (not a bad thing). I think this is very safe but I would cut a Choice Band for a 4th Electro power. 3 choice band is a bit much in a meta with little to no field blower (I don't see any good reason to play field blower when this set comes out) other...
  20. Pokenerd

    Help When is GRI rotating?

    If you are worried about Tapu Lele GX a new Dedenne GX comes out in the next set. When you bench it you may discard your hand and draw 6. (Only once per turn)