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  1. GreenPariah

    Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

    This is amazing percentages if it carries over to all packs, which is unlikely. But still its great numbers here. Thanks for the info!
  2. GreenPariah

    Mighty Mouse(Fun Format)

    So my league leader, who is awesome by the way created this format about a year ago called Mighty Mouse. The Premise is that you can use any cards available in all sets, so long as your pokemon are 100HP or less. It follows the standard deck building rules, 60 card decks, Only four copies of...
  3. GreenPariah

    Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

    Things like this get sold ALOT. As for tracing it back, i think TPCI has bigger fish to fry. As For Pricing, less commonly used energy types have sold in the 10-15$ range, and More used energy sells for around 15-20$. Thats what i paid for my packs in 2014 though.
  4. GreenPariah

    Standard Deck Shredder (Durant / Garbodor)

    Lol. I Built a Fun deck with Ninjask, the one with the ability to discard cards from the deck, if you discard from your hand. So naturally i built it with Eggs, Keldeo/float stone, and lots and lots of switching tools, Switch, Escape Rope, Super Scoop Up, AZ. It was fun when it worked. but it...
  5. GreenPariah

    Expanded Speedy Sceptile EX

    Drop the Virizion and add in a 2-2 of ariados. Or drop the Imakuni's, since they confuse YOUR pokemon. -3 Imakuni -1 Muscle Band -1 Shadow Triad -1 Giovanni's Scheme -1 Virbank City Gym +2-2 Ariados AOR +2 Skyla +1 Forest of Giant Pants Or +2 IF you drop the Virizion Just my opinion, but I...
  6. GreenPariah

    Standard Energy Burner (Porygon Z / Crawdaunt)

    Whats your win condition? just stall them out so they deck out? Or keep them from taking prizes with energy denial?
  7. GreenPariah

    Standard M Gardevior EX / Xerneas / Aromatisse

    Any reason you aren't running spirit links? I would think that they would be useful to ensure you get energy on the board while also being able to evolve Gardevoir EX.
  8. GreenPariah

    Standard Garchomp / Hawlucha / Maxie

    i Haven't had a chance to play the mirror yet, but i expect i will encounter one soon at locals.
  9. GreenPariah

    Standard Garchomp / Hawlucha / Maxie

    Your experience seems to be similar to mine, garchomp just absolutely melts exs, and if you play well, you can make a game go very quickly with just 1 or 2 garchomps. Most times, i have already taken one or two prizes with lucha or lucario by the time I have a chomp powered up.(usually t3, for...
  10. GreenPariah

    Standard Garchomp / Hawlucha / Maxie

    You wont need items if you get the t1 maxie. Also, i haven't tested against vileplume as, no one in my meta plays it. That's the thing, it really sounds like our meta's are very different. Most games, I can get 3 chomps into play, but I often only need 2 to win.
  11. GreenPariah

    Standard Garchomp / Hawlucha / Maxie

    See, I have had the opposite thoughts on it. I've been able to stream chomps easier with maxie than i could with rare candy, plus avoiding the gibles and candy lines frees up some space as well.
  12. GreenPariah

    Discussion N Reprint: its Effect on the Game

    The thing is though, it hasn't been an addition to several decks, its been around for almost 5 years now. We need new cards to play with and to build with. I really like Delinquent and Judge Because they are disruption, but they also make you really think about when is best to play them. N has...
  13. GreenPariah

    Discussion Sudowoodo BKP-67

    I think this would be a "Fun" tech card in MAXIE/CHOMP just to give toad players a taste of their own medicine along with the hurt of being hit by a fighting stadium, muscle band, and strong energy. But thats about it, it could very easily end up being a dead card. But, it would absolutely do...
  14. GreenPariah

    Discussion N Reprint: its Effect on the Game

    I think it should have been left in expanded. We need more draw support in standard but not N. My personal belief is that we are in the XY Block, and we shouldn't have trainers from BLW. (Specifically Supporters) Maybe a support that has two options like Giovanni's Scheme, where you can Maybe...
  15. GreenPariah

    Discussion Could Virizion Genesect make a comeback?

    I really think it would be totally dependent on the build of Genesect. It's a great deck, and will royally mess up any Toad Variant, Night March is a hard counter as well, unless you as the genesect play focuses on the snipe damage. But in all reality, and in comparison to decks in this expanded...
  16. GreenPariah

    Standard Deck Shredder (Durant / Garbodor)

    I would Get Rid Of Garbs, and Grab 4 Puzzle of Time, being able to PoT to get Trick shovels, red cards, and deliequents back, then rototiller with bunnelby could be particularly useful once you have a good lock from your durants. Also even being able to play one PoT to fix the next three cards...
  17. GreenPariah

    Standard Garchomp / Hawlucha / Maxie

    This player is an older junior about to transition to seniors, and has the same problem with maxie, which is why he favors the Korrina Candy Variant. Masters is just so full of Toad/Item lock, i favor the maxie setup more.
  18. GreenPariah

    Standard Garchomp / Hawlucha / Maxie

    Thanks I was pleasantly surprised by how well it did. I also would like to note that i was not the only Garchomp user there, however he was playing Rarecandy/Chomp/LucarioEX and struggled hard. I definitely believe this deck can exist in standard as MAXIE/CHOMP, and not the rare candy variant...
  19. GreenPariah

    Standard Fairy Box (Seismitoad EX / Aromatisse)

    You could run the new baby Yveltal with Fright Night, and the new Raikou as Non Ex Attackers, both have great abilities and great attacks. Oh, And since you're running all basics, I would also suggest throwing in Max Elixir to accelerate your energy, since you have no way to do that currently...
  20. GreenPariah

    Standard Garchomp / Hawlucha / Maxie

    Ive made some changes since i played in a tournement last night, Ive dropped the gibles gabites, and rare candies. i also dropped korring down to two. im using 3 t mail, 3 b compressor, 4 ultra ball, 2 vs seeker. i was using landorus ex since it was an expanded BKP legal tourney, but for...