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  1. S

    Help I Just Can't Win Consistently With Volcanion and it's Depressing.

    This is all true from what I have found but can Volcanion still manage to overcome these things? I'd love to use the deck as I literally just got the deck completed not long ago.
  2. S

    Help I Just Can't Win Consistently With Volcanion and it's Depressing.

    Idk what to do because that's the deck I started out with a month ago. Before Guardians Rising, I was winning 60% of games (most of which were without Elixirs, Shaymins), which is tournament worthy. I just can't seem to strike the right combo of cards for a consistent Volcanion deck right now...
  3. S

    Discussion Standard Meta Tier List

    Does this mean it's okay for me to buy some Darkrai Ex's? I had heard the deck was dead but seems to be not the case. I already have 2, so might as well get 2 more. I was running Volcanion but i've had tons of trouble using that deck of late.
  4. S

    Help New to the game and need advice/tips on how to branch out to find my bearings.

    Yeah, I plan on copying the deck and trying it online until I get the hang of using it. Hopefully, that'll help me to learn the game better too. A worry of mine though is because I'm copying a deck to start out, I'd be kinda reliant on that. Eventually, I'll have to know the types of decks, how...
  5. S

    Help New to the game and need advice/tips on how to branch out to find my bearings.

    I bought a Steam Siege Volcanion deck so I'm probably going to buy cards necessary to make a Volcanion deck. My plan is to learn the game via playing this deck and eventually get good enough to go to a regionals. I do know about staples but still don't get the structure for Pokemon in a deck. If...