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  1. Axell Starr

    Discussion Confirmed Fake Rumor Catalog - US/UM Edition! [Games Out!]

    It's slightly disappointment that there have been so few rumours and fake scans this time around. Part of the fun of waiting for new games is figuring out what info is fake and what is real. The new battle facility seems cool. Wish the nidos were real.
  2. Axell Starr

    Been away for far longer than i'd like. Life happens & things change. sometimes for the better...

    Been away for far longer than i'd like. Life happens & things change. sometimes for the better, sometimes for worse, but you grow and learn.
  3. Axell Starr

    Wi-Fi Trades xDkoYx's Trading Centre - {Perfect 5iv HA Unova Starters!!}

    RE: xDkoYx's Trading Centre - {Have a Living Dex? Trade me some of them for a 5iv Pokemon!} Working on a living dex myself, I'll see what I have in bank. :3
  4. Axell Starr

    Wi-Fi Trades xDkoYx's Trading Centre - {Perfect 5iv HA Unova Starters!!}

    RE: xDkoYx's Trading Centre - {Now Updated for ORAS!} I'm interested in a clone of a shiny Skrelp. Let me know if anything you want anything from my list. I've recently updated it.
  5. Axell Starr

    Wi-Fi Trades GH's Made-to-Order Pokémon Trading, Cloning, and Breeding Center, 5IV's, HA's, Shinies, and more! -

    Hello again. I'm interested on both a clone one the shiny Torchic and the shiny Larvesta. I've recently updated my list as well, it's just not merely as nice looking. Please let me know if I have anything you want.
  6. Axell Starr

    Wi-Fi Trades SylveonsAndEspurrs Trade Thread - 5IV Breeding + Now Offering Masuda Breeding!

    RE: SylveonsAndEspurrs Trade Thread Yo SaE, long time no talk. anyway, I am interested in your shiny Kingdra. I have expanded my list recently and working on making it look nice soon. CML to see if there's anything you want.
  7. Axell Starr

    Wi-Fi Trades Loshi's PokeTrades - Seeking 4 Berries!

    RE: Loshi's PokeTrades - HAVE: Shiny 6IV Mudkip with 4 EggMoves We can still try from a few hours from now, if that's ok. I'm perfectly fine with it.
  8. Axell Starr

    Wi-Fi Trades Loshi's PokeTrades - Seeking 4 Berries!

    RE: Loshi's PokeTrades - HAVE: Shiny 6IV Mudkip with 4 EggMoves I went online right at 3:30 (had to go offline at 4:15), but since I don't know your ign nor is it posted in your thread I'm not sure if I saw you on. There was one name I didn't recognize, the trade request to that person was...
  9. Axell Starr

    Wi-Fi Trades Loshi's PokeTrades - Seeking 4 Berries!

    RE: Loshi's PokeTrades - HAVE: Shiny 6IV Mudkip with 4 EggMoves I know but since I saw you on figured i'd see if you wanted to go for it. So you meant 3:30p sunday not saturday? I feel slightly dumb. Edit: I'min the same timezone. Also thank you in advance for the mon. :)
  10. Axell Starr

    Wi-Fi Trades Loshi's PokeTrades - Seeking 4 Berries!

    RE: Loshi's PokeTrades - HAVE: Shiny 6IV Mudkip with 4 EggMoves I can trade now if your ready. I just need to switch games and go online.
  11. Axell Starr

    Wi-Fi Trades Loshi's PokeTrades - Seeking 4 Berries!

    RE: Loshi's PokeTrades - HAVE: Shiny 6IV Mudkip with 4 EggMoves I have your mon. I just want to make sure you don't care about IVs since you didn't specify. It's nature is jolly. (Typing on my phone is hard) Edit: Tour mon is male and I'm online IG.
  12. Axell Starr

    Wi-Fi Trades Loshi's PokeTrades - Seeking 4 Berries!

    RE: Loshi's PokeTrades - HAVE: Shiny 6IV Mudkip with 4 EggMoves When i'm playing, I'm usually online (there are occasions when I forget) but if I don't notice you, just go ahead and send me a request.
  13. Axell Starr

    Wi-Fi Trades Loshi's PokeTrades - Seeking 4 Berries!

    RE: Loshi's PokeTrades - HAVE: Shiny 6IV Mudkip with 4 EggMoves That works for me. I am busy Saturday until around 2:30 due to being out of the house. I can trade any time after that all weekend.
  14. Axell Starr

    ORAS My experience with pre-ordering OR/AS

    No, I have a card but I didn't use it at all when preordering nor at pickup. You should have gotten it. It just sounds like your location has bad management.
  15. Axell Starr

    Wi-Fi Trades Loshi's PokeTrades - Seeking 4 Berries!

    RE: Loshi's PokeTrades - HAVE: Shiny 6IV Mudkip with 4 EggMoves Sorry for the double post, I've updated my trade thread. Just letting you know. :)
  16. Axell Starr

    Wi-Fi Trades Axell Starr's Trade Thread: Dex complete, Now offering cloning services

    Bumpity bumping. Updated a crudton, will be adding which FS mons I have next update.
  17. Axell Starr

    Wi-Fi Trades Loshi's PokeTrades - Seeking 4 Berries!

    RE: Loshi's PokeTrades - HAVE: Shiny 6IV Mudkip with 4 EggMoves HA is just fine, I don't care about nature, gender, no IV's. I'm gonna start updating my trade list after I finish planting my berries.
  18. Axell Starr

    Wi-Fi Trades Loshi's PokeTrades - Seeking 4 Berries!

    RE: Loshi's PokeTrades - HAVE: Shiny 6IV Mudkip with 4 EggMoves Do you happen to have an HA Foongus in your living dex you can breed? I'll be updating my trade list with more things I can trade you later today. I need it for my VGC team.
  19. Axell Starr

    ORAS My experience with pre-ordering OR/AS

    ...Game? You mean the game store conveniently named 'Game'? :P I know someone that pred the game from there and is getting it when it's released today or tomorrow, at least it is if it's the same conveniently named store I was told of.
  20. Axell Starr

    Wi-Fi Trades The Trade Now Thread - Request Any Quick & Simple Trade

    RE: PokeBeach's X / Y Drive-Thru Trade Thread - (Request Any Quick & Simple Trade) I need an HA Foongus/Amoongus. I do not care about IVs, nature, nor gender, the ability is all that matters. Edit: Found someone who can breed me one.