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  1. iSharingan

    never mind :/ got the one I wanted after breeding in the egg moves via a Japanese tri-flawless...

    never mind :/ got the one I wanted after breeding in the egg moves via a Japanese tri-flawless Marill I got off WT. Thanks anyway.
  2. iSharingan

    Wi-Fi Trades dmaster's MyPlayer Thread - Have: Stuff, Want: Nothing right now

    I have available and can breed all starters (non-HA on most), Rattata, Meowth, Koffing, Porygon, Misdreavous, Stantler, Slakoth, Baltoy, Feebas, Castform, Kricketot, Cherubi, Buneary, Glameow, Finneon, Phione, Cottonee, Darumaka, Yamask, Frillish, Tynamo, Elgyem, and Bouffalant (like I said...
  3. iSharingan

    Hey, do you still have that pent flawless Male Marill/Azumarill from when we tried to abuse its...

    Hey, do you still have that pent flawless Male Marill/Azumarill from when we tried to abuse its shiny value (the one that failed to be shiny due to a typo in a shiny vaue, iirc)? I'm trying to breed something with Aqua Jet as an egg move and all my pent flawless Azumarill are female...
  4. iSharingan

    Wi-Fi Trades dmaster's MyPlayer Thread - Have: Stuff, Want: Nothing right now

    define "non-common". I have essentially every breedable bank mon plus Unown (not currently for trade), so just let me know what you need.
  5. iSharingan

    Yes, the move can be bred, but the only way to obtain a parent to pass on the move is ultimately...

    Yes, the move can be bred, but the only way to obtain a parent to pass on the move is ultimately from a descendant of the gen 4 dratini (or a mimic glitched ditto, but that doesn't count :P)
  6. iSharingan

    Correct. Espeed was from a special egg in gen 4 (recieved in dragon's den) and is the only way...

    Correct. Espeed was from a special egg in gen 4 (recieved in dragon's den) and is the only way to get Espeed into the Dragonite line (as far as I know. I cant find any other documented way on sites with reliable gen 6 info)
  7. iSharingan


  8. iSharingan

    Alrighty, I'm probably as ready as I'll ever be. LMK when's good for the battle (or just...

    Alrighty, I'm probably as ready as I'll ever be. LMK when's good for the battle (or just challenge if within the next hour and I'm on)
  9. iSharingan

    I'm on now if you're interested in finishing the trade quick

    I'm on now if you're interested in finishing the trade quick
  10. iSharingan

    My First VGC Team

    I'm not sure about this generation, but Dark Void was banned in gen 5 VGC. Spore on the other hand is just as viable as ever since Grass types are (as I expected) still not too commonly used - and if they are on a team, there's generally only 1 (I have personally used Spore Smeargle just as...
  11. iSharingan

    Correct. I just wanted to use bank to transfer an already trained version of the pokemon I...

    Correct. I just wanted to use bank to transfer an already trained version of the pokemon I intend to use. I just bred the IV spread + nature + egg moves I need, so I should be set as soon as I EV train and evolve it.
  12. iSharingan

    Wi-Fi Trades dmaster's MyPlayer Thread - Have: Stuff, Want: Nothing right now

    RE: dmaster's MyPlayer Thread - Have HA Treecko+Turtwig+Chimchar+Piplup, Want HA Mudkip Just checking in since you never replied to my post (at least that I could find). I already found the Chimchar somewhere else, but I'm still interested in the other 2. I can for sure offer the 5 IV ditto now...
  13. iSharingan

    Sure. I'm in the final stages of breeding the last pokemon. It won't be long (and if it takes...

    Sure. I'm in the final stages of breeding the last pokemon. It won't be long (and if it takes more than another few hours to get my ideal spread IV, I'm just going to use my old team)
  14. iSharingan

    Just checking in since you haven't replied after you posted in my X/Y trade thread. Let me know...

    Just checking in since you haven't replied after you posted in my X/Y trade thread. Let me know if you're even still looking for the Timid Ditto.
  15. iSharingan

    XY Pokémon Playthrough Questions & Answers

    RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers No you can't. It was never released with it's HA at all, even in gen 5.
  16. iSharingan

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't Post Topics That Have Their Own Thread! Blob is correct. when you or your opponent haven't/hasn't progressed far enough, some songs will not be available in Player Vs Player battles
  17. iSharingan

    XY Shiny Pokémon Mechanics: Less Rare in X / Y

    Eggs work the same way as normal encounters, The Shiny Charm just gives you and extra "re-roll" or two for shininess if it fails to be shiny with the value generated first for the encounter, so wild shiny encounters do become "easier" with it. Additionally, you can increase how many chances for...
  18. iSharingan

    XY Shiny Pokémon Mechanics: Less Rare in X / Y

    You seem to be falling for one of the logical fallacies about statistical odds. Take this for example: 1 in 200 of a particular item will be red while the other option is green; each item is returned to the collection and mixed in before another is picked. Getting 199 greens doesn't mean you are...
  19. iSharingan

    XY Breeding Mechanics in Pokémon X / Y

    RE: New Breeding Mechanics in Pokémon X / Y one of your parents must have only had 4 perfect IVs, rather than 5. If both were 5s, the distribution would be primarily 4 IV mons, a few 3, and even less 5.