Search results

  1. Mudkip711

    Is Computer Search broken???

    Except it's not "Super" Energy Retrieval, it's "Superior" so technically there is no Super Energy Retrieval in Plasma Freeze. Case closed you're wrong.
  2. Mudkip711

    Is Computer Search broken???

    I realize that. But there's also a regular Energy Retrieval from Black and White that gets two energy from the discard. You don't have to discard anything either. "look it up" PS: And there is no Super Energy Retrieval anymore.
  3. Mudkip711

    Is Computer Search broken???

    No, there's a regular Energy Retrieval that gets 2 Energy back.
  4. Mudkip711

    (1) P!P Player Awards System Updated [3/19]

    Not really. Those don't prove anything.
  5. Mudkip711

    Is Computer Search broken???

    No. . .
  6. Mudkip711

    If you judge a pre-release do u get a booster box?

    No. You usually get half a box.
  7. Mudkip711

    Worlds attendance thread

    I might be going. Undecided as of now. If I do end up going I'll be staying at the PanPacific.
  8. Mudkip711

    (1) Japan's July Set Not BW10, but 'EX Battle Boost'

    What don't you get about "no new cards"?
  9. Mudkip711

    BW10 Speculation

    I don't think we'll get a BW10 honestly. If they didn't release a set until October we'd be all caught up. In August we get Megalo Cannon and then in November/late October XY1 is released. If they really are trying to sync worldwide releases then this would be the perfect way to do it.
  10. Mudkip711

    Have: lots of rares, and goodies! Want video game stuff, worthless tcg stuff!

    RE: Have Japanese EX, English EX, Rares, and more! Are the Genesects 1st Ed? If so, would you do: Metal energy 2 Eviolite 4 Skyla 1 Black Kyurem EX (Plasma Storm) 2 Plasma Energy 3 Plasma Frigate for them? Feel free to CML for other stuff.
  11. Mudkip711

    Panda Store! W: Help Completing Sets and Interesting Stuff

    RE: Panda Store! H: Lots of Japanese, English Cards! W: Anything Interesting! Do you still have an Iris FA?
  12. Mudkip711

    H: 4 Gold Catcher W: Tropical Beach

  13. Mudkip711

    AmiAmi Discussion

    RE: Tips for ordering with AmiAmi? Ebay's been ripping you off. I haven't bought a box there since BW3.
  14. Mudkip711

    WTB: Elite Trainer Dice

    PayPal only No stupid offers I'm looking to buy as many clear Elite Trainer dice and blue Elite Trainer dice as I can. Let me know your offers. Thanks!
  15. Mudkip711

    (1) First 14 'Plasma Freeze' Card Images [3/13]

    I'm glad they showed us cards we actually want to see this time.
  16. Mudkip711

    (1) All BW9 ‘Megalo-Cannon’ + ‘Blastoise + Kyurem-EX Combo Deck’ Scans and Translations! [3/13]

    Wow I just read Call of the Ancient. It really gives the Restored Pokemon a chance now.
  17. Mudkip711

    H: 4 Gold Catcher W: Tropical Beach

    RE: I have TWO Tropical Beach for trade! What? I'm looking to get all six at once. I'm only trying to get my auto-deal at the moment for the Beaches.
  18. Mudkip711

    The Best Ace Spec for Darkrai Lazers?

    It's lasers, not lazers. Why does everyone insist it's a 'z'? But like everyone said, Computer Search. It's too good not to play with Sableye.