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  1. Fancy

    Writing Winds of Time - PokéBeach CYOA - Chapter 25 - Now with a TL;DR!

    RE: Winds of Time - PokéBeach CYOA - Chapter 2 Chapter 4 There, you did it. You declared a Pokémon battle with an infamous thug who pilfered food, money, and possibly more from these villagers; thoughts flood your mind as you are faced with this decision. Is this the path of a Pokémon...
  2. Fancy

    Crush a Wish! [YPPY]

    Granted, in that asking for the next person to crush your wish you have forfeited your wish whilst also receiving a fine from Mister Ice Espeon for trying to break his game. That would certainly be giving him the cold shoulder. I wish for a wish that no one has wished for before!
  3. Fancy

    I don't think so, I just thought I'd wish you a most Fancy Birthday. :D I hope you enjoyed...

    I don't think so, I just thought I'd wish you a most Fancy Birthday. :D I hope you enjoyed your day, and each anniversary is better than the last!
  4. Fancy

    Have a Fancy Birthday!

    Have a Fancy Birthday!
  5. Fancy

    Have a Fancy Birthday!

    Have a Fancy Birthday!
  6. Fancy

    Have a Fancy Birthday!

    Have a Fancy Birthday!
  7. Fancy

    Have a Fancy Birthday!

    Have a Fancy Birthday!
  8. Fancy

    Have a Fancy Birthday!

    Have a Fancy Birthday!
  9. Fancy

    Hiya Brave! I don't know how far you have progressed in Tales of Xillia 2, but I have beaten...

    Hiya Brave! I don't know how far you have progressed in Tales of Xillia 2, but I have beaten the game. It was pretty fancy with the ideas and dimensional shenanigans. Loved it! :D Thanks again for telling me about the "Tales" Series. How have you been doing?
  10. Fancy

    Ready Aim Fire Game 2

    I am in, let the games begin!
  11. Fancy

    A Bard's Tale! [YPPY]

    Gather around, it is time for another tale. Of a boy, his cards, and the mountains he would scale. His deck he had carefully weaved, but he had more than cards up his sleeve. Cunning and strategy were his friends, and they helped him tie up loose odds and ends. But he had a dream that he...
  12. Fancy

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  13. Fancy

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  14. Fancy

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  15. Fancy

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  16. Fancy

    A Bard's Tale! [YPPY]

    After the battle ended, the dragon had fell and the Turtwigs were happier than they could ever foretell. The Turtwigs triumphantly went to tell their King, King Turtwig, which had a nice ring. As the Turtwigs fled, the Charizard stood up; it was only playing dead! It flew back to its home to...
  17. Fancy

    Finished Slap The Above Poster With Anything [YPPY]

    Fancy slaps King Arceus with a pokeball, and hopes that King Arceus is caught.