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  1. Galaxy Hunter

    PhantomHaze, Um, can I support more than one group?

    PhantomHaze, Um, can I support more than one group?
  2. Galaxy Hunter

    Finished The Challenge: Season 6 - The Winner Crowned!

    RE: The Challenge: Season 6 - Challenge 3 Part 2 Posted! Per PhantomHaze's request: I support the Egg Knights.
  3. Galaxy Hunter

    PhantomHaze, Sure, let me know what else I have to do.

    PhantomHaze, Sure, let me know what else I have to do.
  4. Galaxy Hunter

    Wi-Fi Trades GH's Made-to-Order Pokémon Trading, Cloning, and Breeding Center, 5IV's, HA's, Shinies, and more! -

    I'm not currently offering a shiny Snover, but I can trade the Nincada. Let me know what you'd be willing to trade for it.
  5. Galaxy Hunter

    raichulover11, No problem!

    raichulover11, No problem!
  6. Galaxy Hunter

    Wi-Fi Trades The Trade Now Thread - Request Any Quick & Simple Trade

    Anyone have a HA Carbink? (Sturdy) Impish Nature is preferable, but not a deal-breaker. In return... well, listing everything I could offer would take hours... Suffice to say, name whatever you want in return and I likely have it.
  7. Galaxy Hunter

    Wi-Fi Trades GH's Made-to-Order Pokémon Trading, Cloning, and Breeding Center, 5IV's, HA's, Shinies, and more! -

    Back for the new year! Still taking inventory (I've been busy) but I've got a lot to offer, and I'll be updating a lot over the next couple of days! For starters; I'm now offering all starters (except Gen 2... for now) with their HA's, as well as tons of other Pokemon with their HA's! Check out...
  8. Galaxy Hunter

    XY Wonder Trade Stories

    Bingo on the name. And I shortly thereafter found about the disturbing naming trend for shiny Jirachi...
  9. Galaxy Hunter

    XY Wonder Trade Stories

    Last night I dumped about 240 Jolly, 5IV Buneary into Wonder Trade. They had 4 Egg Moves and a mix of all three abilities, since they were Breedjects from my shiny, HA Buneary hunt (still going). While I did get a bunch of crap, there were some diamonds in the rough (although one turned out to...
  10. Galaxy Hunter

    XY Your Shiny Hunts

    On the hunt for a shiny competitive Heracross, haven't found one yet, but I have discovered that the 'times encountered' part of the Pokedex maxes out at 999... WHY WON'T YOU SHINE FOR ME?!
  11. Galaxy Hunter

    XY Your Shiny Hunts

    I've finished my shiny megas quest! With the exception of Diancie (curse you, shiny locks!!) I have every Pokemon that can mega evolve shiny, and the majority of them are competitive; there are three that are utterly terrible (Heracross, Pinsir, and Alakazam) and three that could work because...
  12. Galaxy Hunter

    XY Your Shiny Hunts

    Just got a shiny Onix! Absolutely perfect, and a shiny Pidgey showed up yesterday, HA, Modest, perfect in all IV's but Defense! One more shiny mega to go: Snorunt! *It's the Final Countdown starts playing*
  13. Galaxy Hunter

    ORAS No more Shiny Locks!

    Is there any confirmation on whether or not legendaries use the old shiny odds of 1/8100 or whatever? Because I found a shiny southern island Latios after an hour or so of SR'ing with the shiny charm...
  14. Galaxy Hunter

    Wi-Fi Trades GH's Made-to-Order Pokémon Trading, Cloning, and Breeding Center, 5IV's, HA's, Shinies, and more! -

    Sorry Axell, while I do still have a Larvesta available, it's a Sassy one (although I know someone who could change that) and the Torchic has since been EV-trained and evolved into a competitive Blaziken. I could get them both cloned, but a level 100 combat-ready Blaziken is worth quite a bit...
  15. Galaxy Hunter

    Wi-Fi Trades GH's Made-to-Order Pokémon Trading, Cloning, and Breeding Center, 5IV's, HA's, Shinies, and more! -

    Bumping after a few months of inactivity; custom-order Pokemon are back, and so is the Pokedex completion service, and offering Battle Maison Items. Main page will be updated soon!
  16. Galaxy Hunter

    XY Your Shiny Hunts

    I can definitively state that Latias and Latios on Southern Island are not shiny locked! Just caught him after less than an hour of SR'ing with the shiny charm, and the Timid Synchronizer worked!
  17. Galaxy Hunter

    XY Your Shiny Hunts

    Using Dex Nav I successfully hunted a shiny male Ralts at the start of Alpha Sapphire, without the shiny charm, at less than 100 encounters! It's insane, and I'm wondering if Dex Nav chaining is a thing... Anyways 'Luck' as he's called is now a Gallade and helped me beat Wally's mega Gallade...
  18. Galaxy Hunter

    XY Your Shiny Hunts

    Just hatched a shiny flawless Bagon (hence named 'Delta'), Jolly nature, 31/31/31/x/31/31, and the egg moves Dragon Rush, Dragon Dance, and Fire Fang! My shiny mega quest is nearing completion, as I only need: Mudkip/Swampert Meditite/Medicham Gible/Garchomp Slowpoke/Slowbro Pidgey/Pidgeot...
  19. Galaxy Hunter

    XY Your Shiny Hunts

    Just hatched my shiny Ponyta! Finally! Took almost 700 eggs. She's Adamant nature, 31/31/31/31/31/x, and the egg moves Horn Drill, Morning Sun, Low Kick, and Hypnosis. Ability: Flash Fire. My shiny megas quest is going rather well too. Now I'm working on a shiny Bagon and a shiny Gible, my last...
  20. Galaxy Hunter

    XY Your Shiny Hunts

    Since my last update I've gotten a ton of shinies. 1st I got Zorro, a Shiny Male Ralts after 1189 eggs. He's now a Gallade, Jolly, Justified, 31/31/31/31/x/31, Shadow Sneak, Memento, Destiny Bond, Mean Look. Next, Lily the Shiny Kangaskhan after just 372 eggs. Adamant, Scrappy...