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  1. swan

    Standard Tsareena Lockdown

    Nice calcs, (did you factor in that using sycamore took up one of the extra 7 cards?). With my list, I have about 68-70%, which is pretty good if the absolute maximum possibility is 80. More importantly! I have good news! Tapu Lele-GX (I mean jirachitwo) has been announced for sm2! (same set as...
  2. swan

    Standard Tsareena Lockdown

    I'm sorry, I guess it is very obvious stuff. When I asked how often you thought the combo worked, I meant how often do you think it works as you made a point of saying it was inconsistent. Take a guess, I have a rough figure from a small session of playtesting for consistency.
  3. swan

    Standard Tsareena Lockdown

    I was talking about my list for Tsareena lock, not lurantis/vileplume... Also, are you running wally for your garb? At least for me ;) Well when you do write your golduck article, remember to include a copy of the break and not to spam burst balloons or splash energies.
  4. swan

    Standard Tsareena Lockdown

    Haha, perhaps answer in the morning? 3) atm I'm doing 2-2-3 so I dump Tsareena over Steenee from a start hand ultra ball. 6) have actually been running SR, how did you guess?!? 7) I mean to say that for t1 turboing Tsareena you need 3 shays: Generally only 2 will be played for the t1 lock...
  5. swan

    Standard Espeon / Lunala GX It can work.

    1) I believe the figure is above 21% actually; more than 1/5. :p Although my build ran a thicker than 2-2-2 line of lunala-GX. So I'm not sure we are quite on the same page; I guess it depends on the list for which supporter is optimal. 2) I'll admit 2 is cutting it close, especially in any...
  6. swan

    Standard Espeon / Lunala GX It can work.

    Out of interest: why is lillie better for consistency? I get that you need cards early, so draw support is most relevant t1 for stage 2 decks like this one; but I'm not sure if I want to be stranded in a brick (generally extra bricky in evolution decks) during the middle game. I have found that...
  7. swan

    Standard Tsareena Lockdown

    Okay, I will lay this out in points: 1) yes, 4x puzzle of time and 4x devolution spray 2) Been doing match testing and have found yveltal-EX to be to "complex" to fit; have downgraded to lugia-EX which is doing much better. The 2nd attack also helps safely clear tauros-GX after sky returning, so...
  8. swan

    Standard Passimian/Mew deck (No shaymin)

    1) Its a 1 prize deck, it doesn't need durability; durability is just a neat way to gain a prize trade advantage against certain decks, hence every extra fury belt after the first 1-2 is worth exponentially less. Also the value of fury belt is near 0 on mew, the premier attacker. (time your belt...
  9. swan

    Standard Solgaleo/Lunala Deck (Anti-meta?)

    Ultra road -> pretty sure it can it should be pretty plausible to get down 2 GXs and 1 non-GX with a 3rd cosmoem. Ofc there is also just ultra road -> talonflame free retreat.
  10. swan

    Standard Solgaleo/Lunala Deck (Anti-meta?)

    It does the job that you described for Lunala-GX: getting 1 prize ko's without sacrificing large numbers of energy.
  11. swan

    Standard Passimian/Mew deck (No shaymin)

    Well, 1 ranger under plume proves to be very difficult to find. Run 0 if you barely face jolteon/tina. Generally I don't see any decks running more than 1 jolteon-EX, with so many evolved GXs running about, unless its plume. Since you run puzzles, using escape rope is reliable as an out to...
  12. swan

    Standard Solgaleo/Lunala Deck (Anti-meta?)

    Makes sense, I assume this means you are just waiting for the non-GX solgaleo in sm2?
  13. swan

    Standard Solgaleo-GX/Lunala-GX Deck (2018 Standard)

    He has a point, the only combo is max potion.
  14. swan

    Standard Solgaleo/Lunala Deck (Anti-meta?)

    If the whole point of playing both lunala and solgaleo GX is just to sol burst a load of energy then move it onto your solgaleo-GX, then there's no point to this strategy at all. This is because moving the energy from lunala-GX to solgaleo is pointless when you could have instead had a...
  15. swan

    Standard Passimian/Mew deck (No shaymin)

    faded town? Why? If you are going to play this deck, play 0 or 2 ranger, don't play 1. An engine I always toyed with when playing talon/dact was a 1-1 milotic line which works really well with teammates/puzzles/pokemon catcher style decks. Also Oranguru is a neat option for preventing hand locks...
  16. swan

    Standard Tsareena Lockdown

    I started with 3 from YellowSwellow's (poor; although he just wanted to prove it worked) list and never needed a 4th, you need it early like FOGP, but not as early. But you still wanna hit it soon so 3 is probably the min (can't take the idea of running 2 and 1 is prized). It's true sometimes...
  17. swan

    Standard Golduck SM + Starmie EVO

    You did get the psyduck confusion thing right? Ofc, this still isn't a great counter till we get proper access to choice band.
  18. swan

    Standard Golduck SM + Starmie EVO

    @swaginator5000 Its more that it doesn't work for my than that it's bad. Lab is the best stadium I could find, even though I take the shaymin-EX route. It does have a niche against glaceon-EX with plume lock. (beating magearna-EX) I still run floats for tauros-GX and wobb, (for any1 reading its...
  19. swan

    Standard Golduck SM + Starmie EVO

    Let me get this straight: you want to play golduck (hard enough in of itself), without any stadiums (tru golduck has no good stadium), in a format where the most popular stadium card is parallel city?!? In my testing I have now lost all faith in the goodness of splash energy. Interesting tech...
  20. swan

    Standard Tsareena Lockdown

    Just wanted to mention I've also been playing an exp. share cause its like a [D] that I can throw down quickly early, or rely on late if it does come down to trading. While on this train of thought, its not that bad to just end up playing a game with yveltal-EX while taking down your opponent's...