RE: Jed's Trading Post: Looking for Keldeo EX (BC) and Deoxys EX. Check out what I've got! 31 EX Cards, 6 Secret Rares for trade. NOW SHIPPING WORLDWIDE!!
I have some more cards unlisted, but you can see them on youtube channel all.
Let me know what you need from my list and maybea we can...
RE: Jed's Trading Post: Looking for Keldeo EX (BC) and Deoxys EX. Check out what I've got! 31 EX Cards, 6 Secret Rares for trade. NOW SHIPPING WORLDWIDE!!
Is there any chance to check my list for:
FA Latias
FA Giratina
Heatran EX
Darkrai EX (High want)
Zapdos EX
Groundon EX regular
Mewtwo EX...
RE: The Champs Trade Thread! H: EX FA's, Plasma Freeze! W: Dunno
Am, we didnt trade last time, so can you pelase check my list again.
I can offer you
2x Gothitelle EP 5$
1x Mew EX 23$
1x Chanderule SR (ND) (Played condition can take photo) 19$ (But I would say my is valued at 10-12$)
RE: Pokemonjoe's trading thread! H: Bulk, Ultra Rares W: Tropical Beach, Plasma Freeze
Can you trade to Europe?
Im interested in shinning Gyarados and pikachu
RE: Jed's Trading Post: Check out my huge collection! New Metagame cards added! 31 EX Cards, 6 Secret Rares for trade.
Hello, would you like to trade to Europe?
If you can, you can CML.
Also Im itnerested in:
FA Giratina EX
Zapdos EX
Darkrai EX
Groundon EX
Kyogre EX
Hello, would you like to trade to Europe?
If you can, you can CML.
I have mint shining magikarp, maybea you find something else.
Also Im itnerested in:
Giratina EX FA
Kyurem EX FA
Articuno EX FA
Keldeo EX
Kyogre EX
Maybea we can make some trade?
RE: Miasma's Trade Thread! H: EX's, Lv. X, Older EX's and tons of holos from many sets! W: Inside
Can you please CML for your Articuno EX and Shiny Terrakion?
RE: ATA's Trade Thread - W: Deoxys EX H: Catchers, EX's, Shiniys
Hello mate, can you trade worldwide? If you can would you like to CML? Maybea you find something.
Im interested in 2x Regular Darkrai EX and CS.