Search results

  1. Poseidon

    Finished Werewolf XIX-0: Arceus Team Mafia. Town wins (natch).

    RE: Werewolf XIX-0: Arceus Team Mafia. D2 ends Dec 1 2013 at noon CST May the odds be ever in your favor.
  2. Poseidon

    Wi-Fi Trades Instacheck Hotspot Thread

    So, if I want to use this on my laptop, I need to buy that wireless card thing? I'm confused.
  3. Poseidon

    Finished Werewolf XIX-0: Arceus Team Mafia. Town wins (natch).

    RE: Werewolf XIX-0: Arceus Team Mafia. D2 ends Dec 1 2013 at noon CST I wouldn't mind it I guess, but I do prefer VT or lie detector, from the standpoint of having fun.
  4. Poseidon

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's MyPlayer Thread, Have loads of 4 IV Pokemon (Goomy, Rotom, Honedge etc.) Oh, I don't have to much competitive stuff, my friends give me most of the stuff I get. :P It turns out a friend of mine has a breeding pair of Drilbur, so I might not need one, but if I do I'll LYK. :D
  5. Poseidon

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's MyPlayer Thread, Have loads of 4 IV Pokemon (Goomy, Rotom, Honedge etc.) Lol, I have an excess of 5 IV Gastly w/ Disable. :P I have access into a lot of breeding pairs of stuff via friends, anything specific you are looking for?
  6. Poseidon

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's MyPlayer Thread, Have loads of 4 IV Pokemon (Goomy, Rotom, Honedge etc.) Awe, shucks. :/ I do need a Drillbur though, would you do a Quint Gastly for one?
  7. Poseidon

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's MyPlayer Thread, Have loads of 4 IV Pokemon (Goomy, Rotom, Honedge etc.) Would you be willing to trade that Shiny Honedge for a Quint Gastly, Quad (or Quint, working on it) Noibat and a Shiny Timid Quad 31/31/31/31/x/x Torrent Greninja (fully EV Trained)?
  8. Poseidon

    Finished Werewolf XIX-0: Arceus Team Mafia. Town wins (natch).

    RE: Werewolf XIX-0: Arceus Team Mafia. D1 ends Nov 30 2013 at noon CST I think it was 9. And weren't you scum like 7 times in 9 games or something crazy like that, camo? ;P WHAT HAVE I STARTED
  9. Poseidon

    Finished Werewolf XIX-0: Arceus Team Mafia. Town wins (natch).

    RE: Werewolf XIX-0: Arceus Team Mafia. D1 ends Nov 30 2013 at noon CST Plz forgive. ##FLEX: FOUR ARMS Because I highly doubt I will ever be able to flex Four Arms in Werewolf again. not meant as an actual vote
  10. Poseidon

    Pokemon Pokémon You Love Despite Their IV / Nature

    RE: Pokemon that you love, even when they're not perfect! Yes. I have Buddy, the Charizard. He was my first in-game Pokemon 5 years ago in Firered. Horrible nature, horrible IVs, but I don't care. :D Also any and all Stunfisk or Leafeon.
  11. Poseidon

    Finished Werewolf XIX-0: Arceus Team Mafia. Town wins (natch).

    RE: Werewolf XIX-0: Arceus Team Mafia. D1 ends Nov 30 2013 at noon CST RVS woolulululu ##WRECK: CAMOCLONE
  12. Poseidon

    Finished Werewolf XIX-0: Arceus Team Mafia. Town wins (natch).

    RE: Werewolf XIX-0: Arceus Team Mafia I have received that which is known as a "role".
  13. Poseidon

    Wi-Fi Trades Poseidon's trades: have Pokebank Legendaries, Almost all starters, Battle Maison items.

    RE: Sir Taco's trades: have Shiny Greninja and other stuff. 31/X/31/31/31/31.
  14. Poseidon

    H: FA Virizion-EX, Darkrais, more. W: Japanese Y collection.

    RE: H: FA Skyla, FA Iris, Legendary Treasures, Shiny Rayquaza, more! W: stuff! Only saw FA Mewtwo, and I don't value it as highly as Skyla. :/
  15. Poseidon

    H: FA Virizion-EX, Darkrais, more. W: Japanese Y collection.

    RE: H: FA Skyla, FA Iris, Legendary Treasures, Shiny Rayquaza, more! W: stuff! I'm extremely interested in the Elesas, FA Emolga and the 2 TP RHs. Care to offer? I'll have to pass for now, I don't value the RC FAs very highly.
  16. Poseidon

    Wi-Fi Trades Poseidon's trades: have Pokebank Legendaries, Almost all starters, Battle Maison items.

    RE: Sir Taco's trades: have Shiny Greninja and other stuff. I saw 5 IV Volcarona and 5 IV Klefki. Sure, PM on the way. :D
  17. Poseidon

    Wi-Fi Trades Poseidon's trades: have Pokebank Legendaries, Almost all starters, Battle Maison items.

    Friend Code: 0001-3547-5708 Time Zone: EST Times Available: pretty much any time. Haves: Groudon (6 IVs, Modest, fully EV trained) Terrakion Cresselia Heatran Lugia Ho-Oh Bulbasaur (plural) Squirtle (plural) Charmander (plural) Chikorita (plural) Totodile (plural) Cyndaquil (plural) Treecko...
  18. Poseidon

    Finished Werewolf XIX-0: Arceus Team Mafia. Town wins (natch).

    RE: Werewolf XIX-0: Arceus Team Mafia The master of tacos, the baron of burritos, the god of nachos is in.
  19. Poseidon

    Wi-Fi Trades Ultimesk's MyPlayer Thread - H: 5IV French Pokémon for Masuda Method

    RE: Trading my 5 IV perfect french pokemons for Masuda method Does that apply to me as well?
  20. Poseidon

    Wi-Fi Trades Ultimesk's MyPlayer Thread - H: 5IV French Pokémon for Masuda Method

    RE: Trading my 5 IV perfect french pokemons for Masuda method I'm interested in a Gastly. I have a Shiny Relicanth if you are interested in 1 for 1.