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  1. S

    Wi-Fi Trades The Trade Now Thread - Request Any Quick & Simple Trade

    RE: PokeBeach's Drive-Thru Trade Thread - (Request Any Quick & Simple Trade) Would I be able to touch trade a Xerneas with someone? I am also looking for a slurpuff for my dex if that would be alright. I would either keep the slurpuff to breed it or just touch trade it and a swirlix. I would...
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    XY Get the Eon Ticket via StreetPass!

    So you were playing the game and then closed the ds and then got the ticket. Hmm so i guess i should just leave it closed with the game on then. Thanks!
  3. S

    XY Get the Eon Ticket via StreetPass!

    I would like to ask a question about how streetpass works. So if i turn on my 3ds and make sure that in my data management section of the settings i have omega ruby selected to receive data can i just exit out of the settings and turn on wireless communications and close my 3ds without having to...
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    XY Get the Eon Ticket via StreetPass!

    So if i go to one and connect to the wifi could i meet with miis over their wifi and if one of them happens to have the eon ticket will i also get it?
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    XY Get the Eon Ticket via StreetPass!

    So how does this work? Where would i find a nintendo zone and how would this allow me "to meet Miis from across US and Canada? And i also have another question for the entire community that i think was just recently asked but ill simultaneously make it at the forefront and get more specific. If...
  6. S

    Sure thing!

    Sure thing!
  7. S

    Sounds good I will add you tonight hopefully!

    Sounds good I will add you tonight hopefully!
  8. S

    Wi-Fi Trades Vincent Trading: Battle Maison Items + Lot's of Shiny's + 5IV Turtwigs

    RE: Vincent Trading: Battle Maison Items + Lot`s Of Shiny`s + 5IV Turtwigs Edit: nevermind
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    Thanks a bunch for the trade! And thanks also for the ivs on it :D !

    Thanks a bunch for the trade! And thanks also for the ivs on it :D !
  10. S

    My ign is george btw

    My ign is george btw
  11. S

    Hopping on

    Hopping on
  12. S

    Hey ill be online in about half an hour or so. My fc is 3239-2728-4030

    Hey ill be online in about half an hour or so. My fc is 3239-2728-4030
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    Well actually i should be able to trade in about an hour and a half or so if you will be free...

    Well actually i should be able to trade in about an hour and a half or so if you will be free then we can trade
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    Hey I will be available to trade tomorrow night around 9-10 est.

    Hey I will be available to trade tomorrow night around 9-10 est.
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    Wi-Fi Trades GH's Made-to-Order Pokémon Trading, Cloning, and Breeding Center, 5IV's, HA's, Shinies, and more! -

    RE: GH's Made-to-Order Pokémon Trading and Breeding Center, 5IV's, HA's, Shinies, and more! - Two New Shinies Available! Sounds fine to me!
  16. S

    Wi-Fi Trades GH's Made-to-Order Pokémon Trading, Cloning, and Breeding Center, 5IV's, HA's, Shinies, and more! -

    RE: GH's Made-to-Order Pokémon Trading and Breeding Center, 5IV's, HA's, Shinies, and more! - Two New Shinies Available! Sounds fair i can get that to you right quick are you free to trade within the hour?
  17. S

    Wi-Fi Trades GH's Made-to-Order Pokémon Trading, Cloning, and Breeding Center, 5IV's, HA's, Shinies, and more! -

    RE: GH's Made-to-Order Pokémon Trading and Breeding Center, 5IV's, HA's, Shinies, and more! - Two New Shinies Available! Hey what might you be looking for your mienfoo with reckless? I dont need it to have any ivs i just need it to have the hidden ability, preferably female. Thanks!
  18. S

    Wi-Fi Trades Dedenne's XY/ORAS Thread! Shiny Legendaries & More!

    [split] Mega Stone Trade Zone What would you be looking for in exchange for your tyranitarite, charizardite x, mewtwonite x, and manectite, oh regal electric mouse? :P
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    Hey can you add my FC? Mine is 3239-2728-4030

    Hey can you add my FC? Mine is 3239-2728-4030
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    Wi-Fi Trades King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Now Updated for Sun and Moon!

    RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, and More! New Offers Every Day! What are you looking for in exchange for cloning some of my Pokemon and possibly requesting one of yours?