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  1. S

    Equinox, hey so he wasnt able to clone it? Uh i'm going to be away for most of the day but i...

    Equinox, hey so he wasnt able to clone it? Uh i'm going to be away for most of the day but i will be home around 4-5 est.
  2. S

    Equinox, did he clone it?

    Equinox, did he clone it?
  3. S

    Equinox, oh alright cool

    Equinox, oh alright cool
  4. S

    Equinox, ohh so it is possible to clone it?

    Equinox, ohh so it is possible to clone it?
  5. S

    Equinox, so torchic for eevee?

    Equinox, so torchic for eevee?
  6. S

    Equinox, im ready now if you are

    Equinox, im ready now if you are
  7. S

    Equinox, alright i just feel really bad

    Equinox, alright i just feel really bad
  8. S

    Oh also it has pokerus too if you needed it

    Oh also it has pokerus too if you needed it
  9. S

    Equinox, hmm i guess so i have a shiny haxorus with adamant nature 252 atk evs 252 speed evs and...

    Equinox, hmm i guess so i have a shiny haxorus with adamant nature 252 atk evs 252 speed evs and 4 hps with flawless ivs in atk sp atk and speed does that tickle your fancy? And it has no ribbons so you should be able to clone it i just feel bad getting something when you get nothing.
  10. S

    Equinox, alright

    Equinox, alright
  11. S

    Equinox, he say anything?

    Equinox, he say anything?
  12. S

    Equinox, alright

    Equinox, alright
  13. S

    Equinox, he can clone pokemon with event ribbons?

    Equinox, he can clone pokemon with event ribbons?
  14. S

    Equinox, oh shoot uhh i might know one but i dont know how they do it so idk if they cant have...

    Equinox, oh shoot uhh i might know one but i dont know how they do it so idk if they cant have event ribbons either uhmm ill ask em so for now just trade back?
  15. S

    Equinox, cool!

    Equinox, cool!
  16. S

    Equinox my bad wrong trade and you gonna clone it right?

    Equinox my bad wrong trade and you gonna clone it right?
  17. S

    Equinox, alright im in and you will clone my tornadus correct?

    Equinox, alright im in and you will clone my tornadus correct?
  18. S

    Alright tell me when you are ready

    Alright tell me when you are ready
  19. S

    Equinox, Sure no problem.

    Equinox, Sure no problem.
  20. S

    Wi-Fi Trades Equinox's My Player Thread

    How long should it take you to clone it, only a few mins right? My FC is: 3698 1674 3264