Search results

  1. C

    I just registered your FC, so you're Yoshi? my ingame player name is "Polkabot777" lol. I've...

    I just registered your FC, so you're Yoshi? my ingame player name is "Polkabot777" lol. I've been breeding alot of Togepis lately they're all in luxery ball, their abilities are serene grace, and they're all calm nature, and they all know 3 egg moves Extrasensory, Nasty plot, and Morning sun...
  2. C

    Wi-Fi Trades Poseidon's trades: have Pokebank Legendaries, Almost all starters, Battle Maison items.

    Hi, I'm interested in your Lugia, I'm willing to offer you an exclusive Pokémon Y mega stone for your Lugia, it's the "Heracronite".
  3. C

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Have shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon! It's alright mate! No problem, I was just worried about you. :) Everyone I know so far has been busy, lol! Ka$h Money, can you do me a favor? Could you nickname my Kanga "Australia" for me?
  4. C

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Have shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon! Ka$h Money, more than 2 days passed, and still we haven't issued a trade. :(
  5. C

    Add my FC: 1306-6329-4221 my ingame player name is "Polkabot777"

    Add my FC: 1306-6329-4221 my ingame player name is "Polkabot777"
  6. C

    XY How does the Fairy-type affect Trainers, Leaders , Elite 4 & Champions?

    For those of you thinking that it's more likely we'll have a future gen 2 remake just to see how the fairy type affects Johto. The answer is "No!", that's not going to happen! The Kalos regional dex hosts almost all of Johto Pokémons. Like there's a plethora of Johto Pokémon in gen VI, excluding...
  7. C

    Wi-Fi Trades IgnisMagister's MyPlayer Thread - Status: Available

    RE: IgnisMagister's MyPlayer Thread - Competitive and Non-Competitive 5IV Pokemon! Update **1/23/14!** Free 4 IV Scythers! Can I have a female 5IV Serene grace Togepi for trade? I'll offer you my prized 5IV Feebas in exchnage of your Togepi? And I'd like to ask in which ball is that Togepi...
  8. C

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Have shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon! Ka$h Money, is my 5IV jolly Kangaskhan ready for trade? I have your 5IV swift swim female Feebas?
  9. C

    Hello Pinkie, I apologize for making you wait too long, yes I'm online now! Is my male Koffing...

    Hello Pinkie, I apologize for making you wait too long, yes I'm online now! Is my male Koffing ready? I'll trade you a 5IV Cottonee instead of that 4IV one that I was about to trade.
  10. C

    Wi-Fi Trades Chespin777's Shiny Bazaar - Shiny Legends, Pokemons, and more! New Masuda method hatched shiny 4IV M

    RE: Trading away alot of 5IV Feebas, bold nature, all holding prism scales, and all know 3 egg moves. Sure list for me what you have? I hope you've got some good 5IV Pokemons!
  11. C

    Hello again Pinkie! How are you? This is urgent, and I need your help! Can I have a male...

    Hello again Pinkie! How are you? This is urgent, and I need your help! Can I have a male foreign Koffing? I don't have some good Pokemons with 5IV, but I have 4IV Cottonee that knows 2 egg moves switcheroo, and worry seed I can offer you in exchange of your male koffing? Please respond to me...
  12. C

    Thanks for the Cherubi, Suicune, and the Azelf really appreciate it. I will breed this foriegn...

    Thanks for the Cherubi, Suicune, and the Azelf really appreciate it. I will breed this foriegn Cherubi of yours, with a lovely Pokemon. I'll surprise you when I'll showcase this Pokemon for trade.
  13. C

    Sorry to keep you waiting I'll be online

    Sorry to keep you waiting I'll be online
  14. C

    Are you online now Pinkie?

    Are you online now Pinkie?
  15. C

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Have shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon! Of course there's no 31 IVs in all of my Feebas attacks! LOL They are all bold nature!
  16. C

    Have you beaten your game yet, I still haven't seen a Herracross in your friend safari?

    Have you beaten your game yet, I still haven't seen a Herracross in your friend safari?
  17. C

    Have you beaten your game yet, I still haven't seen a Herracross in your friend safari?

    Have you beaten your game yet, I still haven't seen a Herracross in your friend safari?
  18. C

    Hmmm haven't heard from you for a while? So, how are you? And, how long are you staying in Japan?

    Hmmm haven't heard from you for a while? So, how are you? And, how long are you staying in Japan?
  19. C

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Have shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon! Yes, So it is a female 5IV swift swim Feebas right? Your Feebas is ready! As soon as you have my 5IV "Scrappy" Kangaskhan, give me a holla ok?
  20. C

    Registered your FC, enjoy my HA Eevee safari! :D

    Registered your FC, enjoy my HA Eevee safari! :D