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  1. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Vincent Trading: Battle Maison Items + Lot's of Shiny's + 5IV Turtwigs

    RE: Vincent Trade Thread: New High IV Shinies!! Interested in your Shiny 6IV Lugia & 6IV Melloeta. Natures and ability (for Lugia) as well as level please.
  2. K

    Hey, you free for the next two hours to trade the Vivillon?

    Hey, you free for the next two hours to trade the Vivillon?
  3. K

    Sorry, I missed your message yesterday. I just checked and I'll need to breed a Noibat. Give me...

    Sorry, I missed your message yesterday. I just checked and I'll need to breed a Noibat. Give me a day or two please. Thanks!
  4. K

    No problem and I'm really sorry about how slow I was with this trade. I've been so busy >.>...

    No problem and I'm really sorry about how slow I was with this trade. I've been so busy >.> Why are you impressed? That is what you asked for wasn't it? haha.
  5. K

    Sorry, I forgot to nickname your Kangaskhan. Give me a minute please.

    Sorry, I forgot to nickname your Kangaskhan. Give me a minute please.
  6. K

    Hey, can you trade now? I've added you!

    Hey, can you trade now? I've added you!
  7. K

    Hey, can you trade now? I've added you!

    Hey, can you trade now? I've added you!
  8. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Doc's One Stop Trade Shop - All the Pokémon You Need **Updated 4-21-16**

    RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 2-1-14** Penta Pokemon** Yeah, I should have a male one somewhere. So your male Murkrow for my male Noibat?
  9. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Have shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon! I've added you now. Hope to see you online! Sorry, nothing interests me.
  10. K

    Alright, I'll try and come on and hopefully we'll see each other online!

    Alright, I'll try and come on and hopefully we'll see each other online!
  11. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Doc's One Stop Trade Shop - All the Pokémon You Need **Updated 4-21-16**

    RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 2-1-14** Penta Pokemon** I'd rather do male for male as I'm really busy at the moment and can't breed and I already have a male ready.
  12. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Have shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon! Bump!
  13. K

    Hey, I've waited a couple of days and you haven't told me when you are usually on! I'm on around...

    Hey, I've waited a couple of days and you haven't told me when you are usually on! I'm on around 12pm-12am GMT+0
  14. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Doc's One Stop Trade Shop - All the Pokémon You Need **Updated 4-21-16**

    RE: Dr.Mario's My Player Thread **Updated 2-1-14** Penta Pokemon** Hey, what would you like for this: 5 IV Jolly Murkrow (HA) w/ Bravebird, Drill Peck, Whirlwind Let me know ^^
  15. K

    Alright, just bred your Kangaskhan and I'll nickname it. Let me know when you're usually on.

    Alright, just bred your Kangaskhan and I'll nickname it. Let me know when you're usually on.
  16. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Have shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon! I'm really sorry but I've been extremely busy over the last few days. I'll do my best to get it ready by tomorrow. Again. I'm really sorry for the wait.
  17. K

    Really sorry but I've been so busy! I'll be on for the next 3-4 hours. Let me know if that's ok.

    Really sorry but I've been so busy! I'll be on for the next 3-4 hours. Let me know if that's ok.
  18. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Have shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon! Nothing interests me unfortunately Sorry, I don't see any Pokemon I want :/
  19. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Have shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon! Yep (as long as one of the 31 IVs isn't in attack!). I'll pm you when the Kangaskhan is ready.
  20. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Have shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon! I already have one. Anything else? Yeah, I can do the Feebas for the Kangaskhan. Can you make sure the Feebas is female and has Swift Swim please? It'll take me around 2 days to breed your Kangaskhan.