Search results

  1. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Looking for competitive 4+ IV Pokemon. Have shinies and 5 IVs! Is it 5 IV and shiny?
  2. K

    Sorry I missed you. Very busy with Christmas. I should be available for the next two hours.

    Sorry I missed you. Very busy with Christmas. I should be available for the next two hours.
  3. K

    Hey, your Goomy is ready (it's female as well).

    Hey, your Goomy is ready (it's female as well).
  4. K

    Merry Christmas to you as well ^^

    Merry Christmas to you as well ^^
  5. K

    Thanks for the trade!

    Thanks for the trade!
  6. K

    You too ^^

    You too ^^
  7. K

    I've just got to complete a trade with someone and then I'll be online.

    I've just got to complete a trade with someone and then I'll be online.
  8. K

    Alright, I'll come online now.

    Alright, I'll come online now.
  9. K

    Your Gastly and Charmander are ready. I'll be going to bed in an hour so if you can't make it...

    Your Gastly and Charmander are ready. I'll be going to bed in an hour so if you can't make it, don't worry. We can do it tomorrow.
  10. K

    Your Gastly is ready, let me know when you can trade

    Your Gastly is ready, let me know when you can trade
  11. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) Nah, I'm actually not that interested in Snover. I do have a Kangaskhan but you'll need to use heart scales for it to relearn the two egg moves. Hopefully that isn't too much of a problem. When can you trade?
  12. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Looking for competitive 4+ IV Pokemon. Have shinies and 5 IVs! Hmm, I'd rather get 2 or 3 5IV Pokemon for the Venipede.
  13. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Looking for competitive 4+ IV Pokemon. Have shinies and 5 IVs! Yeah, I can do that trade. But I'll need a day or so to breed you the Goomy. It seems extremely popular for some reason. I've had around 5 to breed over the last week and need to do another two with this...
  14. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) I should have one or two. Al Kangaskhans are female so that shouldn't be a problem haha. I'm also interested in your Snover. Let me know if anything in my thread interests you for that.
  15. K

    Wi-Fi Trades The Dark Corner ((Pumpkaboos Everywhere. Also, updated with Legendaries and Shinies))

    RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Freebies!) Well, I'm actually going to be breeding 5 IV Disable Gastlys today so I should be able to get you a male one. I'd like a female Shuppet please.
  16. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Looking for competitive 4+ IV Pokemon. Have shinies and 5 IVs! Do both 5 IVs not contain Atk?
  17. K

    Sorry but I was really busy again today! I'll do my best to get it done tomorrow.

    Sorry but I was really busy again today! I'll do my best to get it done tomorrow.
  18. K

    Wi-Fi Trades The Dark Corner ((Pumpkaboos Everywhere. Also, updated with Legendaries and Shinies))

    RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Freebies!) Hi, check my thread for the 5 IV Shuppet please.
  19. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) High, I'm really interested in your quiet magic guard Solosis. Check my thread for it.
  20. K

    Wi-Fi Trades Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Pokebank Update Have 5 IV/6 IV shinies and loads of 5 IV Pokemon

    RE: Ka$h Money's Bazaar: Looking for competitive 4+ IV Pokemon. Have shinies and 5 IVs! Ah, that's a shame. Hmm, is it modest with chlorophyll?