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  1. ArceusTrainer

    The Collector's Showcase: Post Pictures of Any Type of Pokémon Collection!

    I won these cards on a auction for a fair price (29 Level.x, 3 Arceus, 3 Holo/Mixed editions) Seller stated Used Poor condition, I would grade them NM some of the cards are flawless Mint but only 3-4 of them is ''Poor'' Condition imo
  2. ArceusTrainer

    'Omega Ruby' and 'Alpha Sapphire' Releasing November 2014! [5/7]

    I think their abilities is going to change to something like a hidden ability where the from going to change In the sneak peek trailer they showed the old forms of Groudon and Kyogre /w their current abilitys, then they are going to show the new abilitys in some months or some weeks WITH THE...
  3. ArceusTrainer

    First ‘Omega Ruby’ and ‘Alpha Sapphire’ Footage This Saturday! [5/8]

    >This new ''Alpha'' stone and ''Omega'' stone will alter the form of your Groudun and Kyogre Das it
  4. ArceusTrainer

    Collecting The "Card Collector Help" Thread

    RE: The "Merchandise Help" Thread Make that Europe, I know Norway and Sweden got the old ones too, I'll just wait until Norway gets flashfire, which is never (Prolly late may/early june)
  5. ArceusTrainer

    'Omega Ruby' and 'Alpha Sapphire' Releasing November 2014! [5/7]

    Just want to add something to this, as of 6 gen, Game Freak can update the game as many times they like with patches through internett, if they ever add a new Pokemon, Evo or Mega Evo, just update X/Y like they did with the save glitch
  6. ArceusTrainer

    'Omega Ruby' and 'Alpha Sapphire' Releasing November 2014! [5/7]

    I am here to join the hype train I AM FINALLY GOING TO CATCH RAYQUAZA, LATIAS AND SALAMENCE AGAIN! EDIT: Pokemon Sapphire: ''Flood'' soundtrack in HQ!
  7. ArceusTrainer

    Booster Pack Price Hike?

    4.99$ is still way cheaper than in Norway, for one pack we pay around 7-8$
  8. ArceusTrainer

    August's English XY Set: 'Furious Fist' [5/3]

    Here in Norway we call it ''-Set Name: Celebration'' and we usually have it 1 or 2 month after release in USA on-t: I am excited for this set, maybe fighting type will be playable again
  9. ArceusTrainer

    Korean Booster Box/ Factory Seal?

    From what I know about korean cards/boxes is that some of the stores in korea take the plastic of, and since the boxes are relativity cheap collectors n' players usually buy just a box instead of pack singles, it may be that your seller just bought it from a local store. Nothing to be afraid of tbh
  10. ArceusTrainer

    Card Sleeve Discussion

    I was purely a collector for a long time til I started with pre release tournaments What I like to do is to use Dragon Shield for collection due the extra space and very nice fitting to the card, makes it not slide out. Then I set them in a Ultra Pro, Pro-Binder For playing I use Ultra...
  11. ArceusTrainer

    Google Sending Out Gifts to Google Maps Pokemon Masters [4/30]

    If it is a promo card I get mad cuz I didnt make time to catch em all
  12. ArceusTrainer

    XY/Plasma Cards FT

    May I ask, which Yveltal do you have that is not foil?
  13. ArceusTrainer

    Consoles - Cleaning, Maintenance & Storage

    RE: Consoles - Cleaning, Maintenance and Storage Well its very very hard to mess up a connector, for changing battery, its the same thang, very easy If you have a soldering iron you just heat up the solder and replace the battery with a new one and solder it back on If you dont have...
  14. ArceusTrainer

    Consoles - Cleaning, Maintenance & Storage

    RE: Consoles - Cleaning, Maintenance and Storage Just to ask, what are you afraid of if you unscrew the cartridge? I find this way very safe to clean old GameBoy games, I have never had problems with it.
  15. ArceusTrainer

    Shortwave Radio Discussion

    RE: Any shortwave radio listeners around here? Ye, from time to time i find myself listening to Shortwave Radio and Number Stations Here is my story on how I got into it It started when COD 4 was new like a typical underaged console player I was very hyped about this game and everything...
  16. ArceusTrainer

    General What Are the Best Nicknames for Each Pokémon?

    RE: What are the Best Nicknames for Each Pokemon? Rayquaza: Quetzal/Quetzalcoatl
  17. ArceusTrainer

    McDonalds Pokemon Promotion Coming to the U.S. Again in May / June [4/25]

    Release these cards in EU too, pliss TPCi OR IN NORWAY EVEN, We didn't get last mcdonalds promotional cards. heck, we don't even get the new DS Event downloads