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    Wi-Fi Trades Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X, have 5 IV Egg Move Tyrunt!)

    RE: Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X, have 5 IV Totodile!) Bump. Except for some legendaries, I now have the entire living dex, so now I've turned to breeding! I got a bunch of 5 IVs for trade, and whenever I do I'll start giveaways of my extras.
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    'Pokemon Bank' Goes Live in North America! [2/5]

    Me too, I've caught lots of Pokemon since January for my X/Y living dex but you can catch most of the Pokedex by Kalos and the Friend Safari alone so I have a lot of fully evolved extras.
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    'Pokemon Bank' Goes Live in North America! [2/5]

    Wow, so many people are so entitled. I must get free stuff with my games, I must get an extra month tacked onto the free trial! Muh muhneez worth!
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    XY Pokémon Playthrough Questions & Answers

    RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers Is there any tips to finding shinies in Friend Safaris? I've battled hundreds of Audino/Chansey and caught all the Pokemon possible in all the other Friend Safaris I have yet I've never found one shiny. Do I need to use some special...
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    iSharingan, Thanks!

    iSharingan, Thanks!
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    iSharingan, By me. Anyways, trading you now.

    iSharingan, By me. Anyways, trading you now.
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    Psssst. Hey, can you evolve two Pokemon for me? Trade evolutions. EDIT: Togekiss is now banned...

    Psssst. Hey, can you evolve two Pokemon for me? Trade evolutions. EDIT: Togekiss is now banned. EDIT: So is Greninja.
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    XY Pokémon Bank: Cloud Storage for Pokémon

    They'll soon make a statement saying that they'll never release it, and then on April 1st they'll scream, "APRILS FOOLS!" And release it. April 1st is a reasonable time frame judging by how long they're taking.
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    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
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    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't Post Topics That Have Their Own Thread! I haven't played 2nd gen in a while, I tried a couple of times on online emulators but I just don't like playing games on computers and I don't have the real games. I do keep on playing Pokemon Red, I...
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    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't Post Topics That Have Their Own Thread! Hypothesis: Alder will make a comeback in Pokemon Z. He has the same fiery hairstyle as Lysandre, and Volcarona, a Fire-type is his main Pokemon. The Radiant Chamber's symbol behind and above the chair seems...
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    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't Post Topics That Have Their Own Thread! What? The only Sawsbuck available is Spring form, regardless of the 3DS time?
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    scattered mind, 1478-3063-5795.

    scattered mind, 1478-3063-5795.
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    XY Pokémon Bank: Cloud Storage for Pokémon

    I think it's that they're trying to create or strengthen their anti-hack software within the system, not the server's capacity. People are still getting ridiculously hacked shiny Rayquazas with all 0 IVs in, so they probably want to do something about it. To do so, they make us wait.
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    XY Pokémon Bank: Cloud Storage for Pokémon

    If you search "Pokebank" while in the eShop application it now shows the icon and info page on it. "Coming to Nintendo eShop." In the description it doesn't say or show anything new, but it's there.
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    wispfall, can I add you for your FS?

    wispfall, can I add you for your FS?
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    scattered mind, can I add you for your FS?

    scattered mind, can I add you for your FS?
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    arulz, can I add you for your Friend Safari? Mine is 1478-3063-5795, Ground-type safari.

    arulz, can I add you for your Friend Safari? Mine is 1478-3063-5795, Ground-type safari.
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    Added everyone now that I got my 3DS back!

    Added everyone now that I got my 3DS back!
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    iSharingan, Can you PM the set so that I may ste- I mean, see what you're talking about?

    iSharingan, Can you PM the set so that I may ste- I mean, see what you're talking about?