I think my biggest want for Alola is more evolutions for old Pokemon. I'm beginning to think that they aren't really interesting in doing that anymore though, since we got basically no new evolutions in BW/XY other than sylveon
I have the Japanese version of the book because I assumed it would never be localized lol. I want to read the translations for sure, but I don't collect English cards so I don't know how I'm gonna get it ;(
I'm really really glad they're reusing old pokemon (Rotom, he is under appreciated IMO) and not creating stupid new ones for stuff like this. It makes the world feel more connected IMO
Are adults and teens allowed? haha
I'm really curious where all these recent English exclusive cards are going in the Japanese TCG. I'll pick these up since its easy even though I'm a Japanese collector though.
Holy crud - I can't believe they brought Imakuni out of Japan! That's crazy! I was doubtful that Pikachu BW-P full art would make it into this set, but it seems more likely now.
Oh my gush. Can we get the remaining Eeveelutions as EXs please? I'm sick of TPC releasing just parts of pokemon "sets". For example, not releasing the other two Regis as EXs, not releasing Suicuine EX etc.
Its kind of lame how the Japanese promos are given out so generously while it seems TPCi milks these promos in the most expensive boxes they can get away with.
for example; dirt cheap Diancie/Mega Metagross boxes in Japan are 35-40$ in America.
I'm curious to see how we Japanese collectors can get all of these crazy cards. Getting FIFTEEN full art promos sounds like its going to be VERY costly for foreign collectors ;(